December 2006


Name:                       Colleen F. Moore (formerly known as Colleen F. Surber)


Address:                   Psychology Department, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706

(608) 263-4868           Office

(608) 249-7511           Home

(608) 262-4029           Fax


Email:                               Website:


Education:                 B.A.                1972                Pomona College, Claremont, California

   Magna Cum Laude, Psychology

M.A.               1975                University of Illinois, Psychology

Ph.D.               1978                University of Illinois, Psychology

   Major--Developmental Psychology

   Minor--Quantitative Psychology

Thesis title:      Organization in social inference:  Is there a schema for judgments of ability, effort and task performance?  (Michael H. Birnbaum, thesis supervisor)


Positions Held:        

1977-1978                   Instructor, Department of Psychology,

                University of Connecticut

1978-1984                   Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology,

                University of Wisconsin-Madison

1984-1992                   Associate Professor, Department of Psychology,

                University of Wisconsin-Madison

1992-present               Professor, Department of Psychology

    University of Wisconsin-Madison


Honors and Awards:              Sigma Xi, Phi Beta Kappa, NSF Graduate Fellowship, 1973-1976, College of Letters and Science Student Advising Award, 1997, Castellan Award (Society for Judgment and Decision Making), 2001, Psychology Department Teaching Award, 2002-2003; Vilas Associate Award, University of Wisconsin-Madison


Memberships in Professional Organizations: Psychonomic Society, Society for Research in Child Development, Society for Judgment and Decision Making, Midwestern Psychological Association


Research and Publications:


Publications: (All refereed except book chapters; asterisks indicate that the first author was my student)


Surber, C. F.  (1977).  Developmental processes in social inference:  Averaging of intentions and consequences in moral judgment.  Developmental Psychology, 13, 654-665.

Morris, E., Surber, C. F., & Bijou, S. W.  (1978).  Self- versus instructor-pacing:  Achievement, evaluations, and retention.  Journal of Educational Psychology, 70, 224-230. (Reprinted in:  Moore, G. W. (Ed.), Developing and evaluating educational research.  Little, Brown & Co.)

Surber, C. F.  (1979).  The utility of "simplification" as a developmental research strategy.  Child Development, 50, 571-574.

Surber, C. F.  (1980).  The development of reversible operations in judgments of ability, effort, and performance.  Child Development, 51, 1018-1029.

Surber, C. F.  (1981).  Effects of information reliability in predicting task performance using ability and effort.  Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 40, 977-989.

Surber, C. F.  (1981).  Necessary versus sufficient causal schemata:  Attributions for achievement in difficult and easy tasks.  Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 17, 569-586.

Surber, C. F.  (1982). Separable effects of motives, consequences, and presentation order on children's moral judgments. Developmental Psychology, 18, 257-266.

Surber, J. R., & Surber, C. F.  (1983).  Effects of inference on memory for prose. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 29, 197-207.

Surber, C. F.  (1984). Inferences of ability and effort:  Evidence for two different processes.  Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 46, 249-268.

Surber, C. F.  (1984).  Issues in using quantitative rating scales in developmental research. Psychological Bulletin, 95, 226-246.

Surber, C. F.  (1984). The development of achievement-related judgment processes.  In J. Nicholls (Ed.), The development of achievement motivation (pp. 137-184).  Greenwich, CT:  JAI Press.

Surber, C. F., & Gzesh, S. M.  (1984).  Reversible operations in the balance scale task. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 38, 254-274.

Surber, C. F.  (1985).  Developmental changes in inverse compensation in social and nonsocial attributions.  In S. Yussen (Ed.), The development of reflection (pp. 149-166).  New York:  Academic Press.

Surber, C. F.  (1985).  Measuring the importance of information in judgment:  Individual differences in weighting ability and effort.  Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 35, 156-178

Surber, C. F.  (1985).  Applications of information integration to children's social cognition:  Contributions, problems and prospects.  In J. B. Pryor & J. D. Day (Eds.), Social and developmental perspectives of social cognition (pp. 59-94).  New York:  Springer-Verlag.

*Gzesh, S. M., & Surber, C. F.  (1985).  Visual perspective-taking skills in children:  Evidence for rules and facilitating stimuli.  Child Development, 56, 1204-1213.

Surber, C. F.  (1986).  Model testing is not simple:  Comments on Lane, Kellam and Anderson.  Journal of Experimental Psychology:  Human Perception and Performance, 12, 108-109.

Surber, C. F.  (1987).  A formal representation of qualitative and quantitative reversible operations.  In C. Brainerd, J. Bisanz & R. Kail (Eds.), Formal methods in developmental psychology (pp. 115-154).  New York:  Springer-Verlag.

Surber, C. F., & Haines, B. A.  (1987).  The development of proportional reasoning:  Methodological issues.  In G. Whitehurst & R. Vasta (Eds.), Annals of Child Development, Vol. 4 (pp. 35-87).  Greenwich, CT:  JAI Press.

*Dixon, J. A., & Moore, C. F.  (1990).  The development of perspective taking:  Understanding of information and perspective differences.  Child Development, 61, 1502-1513.

Moore, C. F., Dixon, J. A., & Haines, B. A.  (1991).  Components of understanding in proportional reasoning:  A fuzzy set representation of developmental progressions.  Child Development, 62, 441-459.

*Schneider, M. L., Moore, C. F., Suomi, S. J., & Champoux, M.  (1991).  Laboratory assessment of temperament and environmental enrichment in rhesus monkey infants (Macaca mulatta).  American Journal of Primatology, 25, 137-155.

*Ahl, V. A., Moore, C. F., & Dixon, J. A.  (1992).  Development of intuitive and numerical proportional reasoning.  Cognitive Development, 7, 81-108.

Moore, C. F., Hembree, S. E., & Enright, R. D.  (1993).  The unfolding of justice:  A developmental perspective on reward allocation.  In B. A. Mellers (Ed.), Psychological perspectives on justice (pp. 183-204).  Cambridge:  Cambridge University Press.

*Wills, C. E., & Moore, C. F.  (1994).  Judgment processes for medication acceptance:  Self reports and configural information use.  Medical  Decision  Making, 14, 137-145.

*Wills, C. E., & Moore, C. F.  (1994).  A controversy in scaling of subjective states:  Magnitude estimation versus category rating methods.  Research in Nursing and Health, 17, 231-237.

*Jadack, R. A., Hyde, J. S., Moore, C. F., & Keller, M. L.  (1995).  Moral reasoning about  sexually transmitted diseases.  Child Development, 66, 167-177.

*Dixon, J. A., & Moore, C. F.  (1996). The developmental role of intuitive principles in choosing mathematical strategies.  Developmental Psychology, 32, 241-253.

*Wills, C. E., & Moore, C. F.  (1996).  Perspective-taking judgments of medication acceptance:  Inferences from relative importance about the impact and combination of information.  Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 66, 251-267.

*Dixon, J. A., & Moore, C. F.  (1997). Characterizing the intuitive representation in problem solving:  Evidence from evaluating mathematical strategies.  Memory & Cognition, 25, 395-412.

*Ebenbach, D. H., & Moore, C. F.  (2000).  Judgments and the environment: Incomplete information, inferences, and individual differences.  Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 81, 1-27.

*Schneider, M. L., & Moore, C. F.  (2000).  Effects of prenatal stress on development: A nonhuman primate model.  In C. Nelson (Ed.), Minnesota Symposium on Child Psychology.  Mahwah, NJ:  Lawrence Erlbaum.

*Dixon, J. A., & Moore, C. F.  (2000).  The logic of interpreting evidence of developmental ordering:  Strong inference and categorical measures.  Developmental Psychology, 36,826-834.

*Schneider, M. L., Moore, C. F., & Kraemer, G. W.  (2001).  Moderate alcohol during pregnancy:  Learning and behavior in adolescent rhesus monkeys.  Alcoholism:  Clinical and Experimental Research, 25, 1383-1392.

*Kortenkamp, K. V., & Moore, C. F.  (2001).  Eco-centrism and anthropocentrism: Moral reasoning about ecological commons dilemmas.  Journal of Environmental Psychology, 21, 261-272.

*Schneider, M. L., Moore, C. F., Roberts, A. D. & DeJesus, O.T.  (2001).  Prenatal stress alters early neurobehavior, stress  reactivity and learning in nonhuman primates:  A brief review.  Stress:  The International Journal on the Biology of Stress, 4, 183-193.

*Schneider, M. L., Moore, C. F., & Becker, E. F.  (2001). Timing of moderate alcohol exposure during pregnancy and neonatal outcome in rhesus monkeys (Macaca Mulatta).  Alcoholism:  Clinical and Experimental Research, 25, 1238-1246.

*Schneider, M. L., Moore, C. F., Kraemer, G. W., Roberts, A. D. & DeJesus, O.T. (2002).  The impact of prenatal stress, fetal alcohol exposure, or both on development:  Perspectives from a primate model.  Psychoneuroendocrinology, 27, 285-298.

*Rauwald, K. S., & Moore, C. F. (2002). Environmental attitudes as predictors of policy support across three cultures. Environment and Behavior, 34, 709-739.

*Haines, B. A., & Moore, C. F.  (2003).  Integrating themes from cognitive and social cognitive

          development into the study of judgment and decision making.  In S. Schneider & J. Shanteau

          (Eds.), Emerging perspectives on judgment and decision research.  Mahwah, NJ:  Lawrence


Moore, C. F.  (2003).  Silent scourge:  Children, pollution, and why scientists disagree. New York:  Oxford University Press.

*Schneider, M. L., Moore, C. F., & Kraemer, G.  (2003).  On the relevance of prenatal stress to

          developmental psychopathology: A primate model. In D. Cicchetti & E. Walker (Eds.),

Neurodevelopmental mechanisms in the genesis and epigenesis of psychopathology:  Future research directions.  Cambridge, UK:  Cambridge University Press. 

*Crawford, E. B., Moore, C. F., & Ahl, V. E.  (2004).  The roles of risk perception, borderline

and anti-social personality characteristics in college alcohol use and abuse.  Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 34,1371-1394.

*Schneider, M. L., Moore, C. F., & Kraemer, G.  (2004).  Moderate level alcohol during

pregnancy, prenatal stress, or both and limbic-hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical axis response in rhesus monkeys.  Child Development, 75, 96-109.

Roberts, A. D., Moore, C. F., Barnhart, T. E., DeJesus, O. T., Larson, J. A., Mukherjee, J., Nickles, R. J., Schueller, M. J., Shelton, S. E., & Schneider, M. L.  (2004).  Prenatal stress, moderate fetal alcohol exposure, and dopamine system function in rhesus monkeys.  Neurotoxicology and Teratology, 26, 169-178.

*Schneider, M.L., Moore, C.F., Barnhart T.E., Larson J.A., DeJesus O.T., Mukherjee J., Nickles J.R., Converse A.K, Roberts A.D., Kraemer G. W. (2005). Moderate level prenatal alcohol exposure alters striatal dopamine system function in rhesus monkeys.  Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 29 (9),1685-1697.

*Schneider, M.L., Champoux, M., & Moore, C. F.  (2006).  Neurobehavioral assessment of nonhuman primate neonates.  In G. Sackett G.C Ruppenthal & K. Elias (Eds.), (Ed.), Nursery Rearing of Nonhuman Primates in the 21st Century (pp. 215-247). New York: Springer.

Dilworth-Bart, J.E. & Moore, C.F. (2006). Mercy mercy me: Social injustices and the prevention of environmental pollutant exposures among ethnic minority and poor children. Child Development, 77, 247-265.

*Kortenkamp, K.V. & Moore, C.F. (2006). Time, uncertainty, and individual differences in decisions to cooperate in resource dilemmas. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 32, 603-615.

Moore, C. F. (2006). The accidents at Three Mile Island and Chernobyl. In L. B. Berkowitz, N. Berkowitz & M. Patrick (Eds.), Chernobyl: The event and its aftermath (pp. 175-200). Madison, WI: Goblin Fern Press. (reprint of portions of Ch. 7 of Silent Scourge: Children, pollution and why scientists disagree).

*Schneider, M.L., Moore, C.F., Gajewski, L., Laughlin, N., Larson, J., Gay, C., Roberts, A., Converse, A., DeJesus, O.T. (in press). Sensory processing disorder in a nonhuman primate model: Evidence for occupational therapy practice. American Journal of Occupational Therapy.

*Shiverick, S. M. & Moore, C. F. (in press). Second-order beliefs about intention and children's attributions of sociomoral judgment. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology.


Book Reviews, Encyclopedia Articles, and other minor publications:


Surber, C. F.  (1981).  Review of Becoming female: Perspectives on development.  Sex roles: A journal of research, 7, 666-670.

Moore, C. F.  (1994). Who decides what to teach about decision making?  American Journal of Psychology, 107, 315-319.  (Book review).

*Kaschak, M., & Moore, C. F. (2000). On the documentation of statistical analyses in the ÒClicky-BoxÓ era.  American Psychologist, 55, 1511-1512.

*Schneider, M. L., Moore, C. F.  (2003).  Prenatal stress and offspring development in nonhuman

primates.  In R. Barr (Ed.), Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development, Center for Excellence on Early Childhood Development, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

Moore, C. F. & Schneider, M. L.  (2006).  Prenatal development.  In N. J. Salkind (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Human Development, pp. 1018-1020. Thousand Oaks, CA:  Sage.

Moore, C. F.  (2006).  Methylmercury.  In N. J. Salkind (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Human Development, pp. 834-835. Thousand Oaks, CA:  Sage.

Moore, C. F.  (2006).  Endocrine disruptors.  In N. J. Salkind (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Human Development, pp. 464-465. Thousand Oaks, CA:  Sage.

Moore, C. F.  (2006).  Polychlorinated biphenyls.  In N. J. Salkind (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Human Development, pp. 1008-1009 Thousand Oaks, CA:  Sage.

Moore, C. F.  (2006).  Noise.  In N. J. Salkind (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Human Development, pp. 909-910. Thousand Oaks, CA:  Sage.

Moore, C. F.  (2006).  Pesticides.  In N. J. Salkind (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Human Development, pp. 989-990. Thousand Oaks, CA:  Sage.

Moore, C. F.  (2006).  Ionizing radiation.  In N. J. Salkind (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Human Development, pp. 734-735. Thousand Oaks, CA:  Sage. 

Moore, C. F.  (2006).  Disasters.  In N. J. Salkind (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Human Development, pp. 377-378. Thousand Oaks, CA:  Sage.

Moore, C. F. & Moore, T. R.  (2006).  Maternal smoking.  In N. J. Salkind (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Human Development, pp. 818-819. Thousand Oaks, CA:  Sage.

Moore, C.F. (2006). An unhealthy start in life – What matters most? (Invited Editorial). Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 6(3), ί-ίί. (Reprinted in APS Observer, 2006, 1912).)


Other Publications (Op-ed):


Moore, C. F. (2004). Sanity, civility and morality needed in mercury debate. Guest column in The Capital Times, Weekend June 26-27, p. 9A.

Moore, C. F. & Shrader-Frechette, K. S. (2003). Nuclear moratorium important to protect public.  Guest column in The Capital Times, October 20.

Shrader-Frechette, K. S. & Moore, C. F. (2004). 2005 Energy bill ignores science, provides targets for terrorists. Guest column in the South Bend Tribune, March 24.


Convention Papers:


Surber, C. F., & Dweck, C. S.  (1974, September).  Modeling effects on children's generosity: Direct imitation versus transfer to a new situation.  Presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, New Orleans.

Surber, C. F., Morris, E., & Bijou, S. W.  (1976, September).  Self-pacing versus pacing requirements in individualized instruction:  Criterion measures, student evaluations, and retention.  Presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.

Surber, C. F.  (1978, September).  The use of context effects to examine developmental changes in response processes.  Presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto.

Surber, C. F., & Surber, J. R.  (1979, April).  Contextual inference and memory for prose. Paper presented at the annual convention of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco.

Surber, C. F.  (1980, May).  Effects of information reliability in predicting task performance using ability and effort.  Paper presented at the annual convention of the Midwestern Psychological Association, St. Louis, MO.

Surber, C. F., & Stevens, B.  (1981, April).  Order effects in moral judgment.  Paper presented at the annual convention of the American Educational Research Association, Los Angeles, CA.

Surber, C. F.  (1981, April).  Asynchrony in development of the discounting principle for social and nonsocial judgments.  Paper presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Boston, MA.

Surber, C. F.  (1981, May).  Reversible mental operations for inferences about hypothetical events.  Paper presented at the annual convention of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Detroit, MI.

Surber, C. F.  (1981, August).  Effects of configural prediction rules on causal inferences.  Paper presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Los Angeles, CA.

Surber, C. F.  (1982, May).  Effects of information reliability on inferences of ability. Paper presented at the annual convention of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Minneapolis, MN.

Surber, C. F.  (1982, November).  Relationships between predictions and inferences.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Minneapolis, MN.

Surber, C. F.  (1982, November).  Issues in studying developmental changes in judgment. Paper presented at the third annual meeting of the Judgment and Decision-making Society, Minneapolis, MN.

Surber, C. F., & Gzesh, S. M.  (1983, April).  Reversible reasoning in the balance scale task.  Paper presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Detroit, MI.

Surber, C. F.  (1983, May).  Differences in weighting information in predicting performance.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

Gzesh, S. M., & Surber, C. F.  (1984, May).  Visual perspective-taking skills in young children:  Evidence for rules and facilitating stimuli.  Paper presented at the annual convention of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

Surber, C. F.  (1984, October).  Discussant.  Symposium entitled, "Affective factors and mathematics learning," 6th Annual Meeting of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, North American Chapter, Madison, WI.

Haines, B. A., Surber, C. F., Walden, J., & Gzesh, S. M.  (1985, April).  Reversibility of intuitive and analytic mental operations.  Paper presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Surber, C. F., Haines, B. A., & Rasico, J.  (1986, April).  Development of reversible operations in predicting temperature.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.

Surber, C. F.  (1986, July).  Discussant for "Autonomy and interrelatedness:  Spinoza, Hume, and Vasubandu," by Winnifred A. Timm, presented at the 33rd annual meeting of the Institute on Religion in an Age of Science.  Star Island, NH.

Dixon, J. A., & Surber, C. F.  (1988, May).  An analysis of children's role taking through comparison of perspectives on a moral judgment task.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

Haines, B. A., & Moore Surber, C. F.  (1989, April).  Development of probability understanding.  Paper presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Kansas City, MO.

Ahl, V., Moore Surber, C. F., & Dixon, J. A.  (1989, April).  Qualitative change in development of proportional reasoning.  Paper presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Kansas City, MO.

Kraemer, E. S., & Moore Surber, C. F.  (1989, May).  Effects of attitudes and values on moral reasoning.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

Cook, G. L., & Moore, C. F.  (1990, May).  Development from integral to separable perception:  A critical analysis.  Presented at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

Dixon, J. A., & Moore, C. F.  (1991, April).  Intuitive understanding constrains choice of mathematical strategies.  Paper presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Seattle, WA.

Dixon, J. A., & Moore, C. F.  (1991, May).  The use of intuitive principles in evaluating mathematical strategies.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

Wills, C. E., & Moore, C. F.  (1991, November).  Judgment processes for psychiatric medication acceptance.  Paper presented at the Sixth Annual Nursing Research Symposium, Clinical Decision Making, Chicago, IL.

Dixon, J. A., & Moore, C. F.  (1991, November).  The effect of intuitive representations on math strategy verification.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society, San Francisco, CA.

Wills, C. E., & Moore, C. F.  (1992, May).  Effects of explicitly unknown information on judgments of medication acceptance.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

Wills, C. E., & Moore, C. F.  (1992, June).  Judgment processes for psychiatric medication acceptance.  Paper presented at Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Research Conference.

Kutil, R., Moore, C. F., & Lauver, D.  (1993, March).  History of childhood sexual abuse and a negative attributional style.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Nursing Research Society, Cleveland, OH.

Wills, C. E., & Moore, C. F.  (1993, November).  Perspective taking judgments of  medication acceptance.  Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Judgment and Decision Making Society, Washington, D.C.

Moore, C. F., & Dixon, J. A.  (1993, March).  The role of intuitive understanding in the development of math problem solving.  Paper presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, New Orleans, LA.

Wills, C. E., & Moore, C. F.  (1993, November).  Patterns of configural information processing in patient decision making about medication acceptance.  Poster presented at the Sigma Theta Tau 32nd Biennial Convention, Indianapolis, IN.

Wills, C. E., & Moore, C. F.  (1993, November).  Perspective-taking judgments of medication acceptance.  Poster presented at the Annual Meeting for the Society for Judgment and Decision Making, Washington, D.C.

Thompson, D. R., & Moore, C. F.  (1994, March).  Causal reasoning about general and particular case relationships in deterministic and probabilistic conditions.  Paper presented at the 36th Annual Meeting of Experimental Psychologists, Munich, Germany.

Wills, C. E. & Moore, C. F.  (1994, March).  Patterns of configural information processing in patient decisions making about medication acceptance.  Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Midwest Nursing Research Society, Milwaukee, WI.

Wills, C. E., & Moore, C. F.  (1995, November).  Relationships between "think aloud" verbalizations and judgment processes for partially described information.  Presented at the annual meeting of the Judgment and Decision Making Society, Los Angeles, CA.

Schneider, M. L., Roughton, E. C., Moore, C. F., & Clark, A. S.  (1996, May).  Timing of prenatal stress affects neurobehavioral and endocrine responses in rhesus monkey offspring.  Presented at the Conference for Advancing Research on Developmental Plasticity, NIMH, Chantilly, VA.

Wills, C. E., & Moore, C. F.  (November, 1996).  Student nurses' perspective taking judgments of medication acceptance.  Presented at the Judgment and Decision Making Society, Chicago, IL.

Wills, C. E., & Moore, C. F.  (April, 1996).  Self-reported values and health treatment decision-making.  Presented at the Midwestern Nursing Research Society, Detroit, MI.

Dixon, J. A., & Moore, C. F.  (1997).  Disconfirming developmental ordering hypotheses with contingency tables.  Presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Washington, DC.

Wills, C. E., & Moore, C. F.  (November, 1997).  Judgments of likelihood and confidence for antidepressant medication acceptance.  Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making, Philadelphia, PA.

Ebenbach, D. H., Moore, C. F., & Gershaw, J.  (November, 1997).  Assuming the worst: Environmental decisions in the context of missing information.  Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making, Philadelphia, PA.

Ebenbach, D. H., Moore, C. F., & Parsil, S. A.  (May, 1998).  Internally and externally motivated attitudes: The case of environmental beliefs.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

Ebenbach, D. H., & Moore, C. F.  (November 1998).  Worldviews and environmental judgments: Dumping on the rich.  Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making, Dallas, TX.

Caldwell, S. B., Moore, C. F., & Ebenbach, D. H.  (November, 1998).  Judgment of risk to self

versus the environment: Gender differences and environmental attitudes.  Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Judgment and Decision Making Society, Dallas, TX.

Kortenkamp, K., & Moore, C. F.  (April, 1999).  Eco-centrism and anthropocentrism: Moral

reasoning in ecological dilemmas.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

Ahl, V., Quam, H., Moore, C. F., Ulloa, V., & Scroger, J.  (April, 1999).  Maternal drug use

and public policy: A cross-cultural investigation.  Paper presented at the Biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Albuquerque, NM.

Merten, E., & Moore, C. F.  (April, 1999).  The knowledge and perceived risk of environmental reproductive hazards.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

Geurkink, H. A. & Moore, C. F.  (November, 2000).  Risk perception and willingness to  pay for food grown with different methods.  Presented at the annual convention of  the Society for Judgment and Decision Making, New Orleans, LA.

Schneider, M. L. & Moore, C. F. (April, 2001).  Prenatal stress modifies postnatal neurobehavior and stress reactivity in primates.  Paper to be presented at the Biennial convention of the Society for Research on Child Development, Minneapolis, MN.

Schneider, M. L., Moore, C. F., Roberts, A. D., & DeJesus, O. T.  (November, 2001). Moderate fetal alcohol exposure and prenatal stress: Neurobehavior and dopamine function in monkeys.  International Society for Developmental Psychobiology, San Diego, California.

Schneider, M. L., & Moore, C. (April, 2001). Prenatal stress modifies postnatal neurobehavior and stress reactivity in primates. Society for Research in Child Development, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Kortenkamp, K. V. & Moore, C. (April, 2001).  Development of moral evaluations of ecologically damaging decisions and outcomes.  Society for Research in Child Development, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Schneider, M.L., Moore, CF. (February, 2002). Maternal stress increases risk for neurobehavioral deficits and altered stress responses in primates. Presentation at:  Enhancing outcomes in women's health: Translating psychosocial and behavioral research into primary care, community interventions, and health policy. Washington DC.

Schneider, M.L., Moore, C.F., Roberts, A., DeJesus, O.T. (April, 2002). Prenatal stress, attention, motor maturity, stress reactivity, and dopamine function in primates.  International Conference on Infant Studies, Toronto, Canada.

Schneider, M.L. & Moore, C.F. (June, 2002).  Prenatal stress alters neurobehavior and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis response to stress in rhesus monkeys. In the Symposium: Stress, Development, and Psychopathology, 26th Annual Meeting of the Neurobehavioral Teratology Society, Scottsdale, Arizona

Landrath, L. L., Laughlin, N. K., Moore, C. F., Luck, M. L., Larson, J. A., & Schneider, M. L.  (April, 2003).  Postnatal lead alters sensory processing in primates.  Society for Research in Child Development, Tampa, Florida.

Schneider, M. L., & Moore, C. F.  (March, 2003).  Sensory regulation and its effects on social dominance and behavior.  Social Communication and Sensory Integration.  Los Angeles, CA.

Schneider, M. L., Moore, C. F., Newman, T. K., Barr, C. S., Larson, J. A., Roberts, A., DeJesus, O. T., Kraemer, G. W. (June, 2004). Moderation of fetal alcohol effects by variation in serotonin transporter gene in monkeys. Research Society on Alcoholism, Vancouver, Canada.

Barnhart, T. E., Roberts, A. D., DeJesus, O. T., Flores, L. G., Murali, D., Oakes, T. R., Converse, . K., Dick, D. W., Mukherjee, J, Nickles, R. J., Larson, J., Moore, C. F., & Schneider, M. L. (June, 2004). Paired [18F]FAL and [18F]FMT PET studies in timing of moderate alcohol exposure in rhesus monkeys during pregnancy. 51st Annual Meeting, Society of Nuclear Medicine, Philadelphia, PA.

Schneider, M. L., Moore, C. F., Newman, T. K., Barr, C. S., Larson, J. A., Roberts, A., DeJesus, O. T., Kraemer, G. W. (June, 2004).  Moderation of fetal alcohol effects by variation in serotonin transporter gene in monkeys.  Research Society on Alcoholism, Vancouver, Canada.

Kortenkamp, K. V. & Moore, C. F. (November, 2004).  Time, uncertainty and individual differences in decisions to cooperate in resource dilemmas.  Society for Judgment and Decision Making, Minneapolis, MN.

Kortenkamp, K. V. & Moore, C.F. (November, 2005). The environment as sacred: Taboo trade-offs and transactions.  Presented at the Society for Judgment and Decision Making, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Kortenkamp, K. V. , Rentscher, K., Hill, E. & Moore, C. F. (November, 2006). Responses to environmental injustice: WhoÕs responsible for protecting vulnerable populations? Presented at the Society for Judgment and Decision Making, Houston, TX.


Invited Addresses:


Are there causal schemata for social inferences?  Presented at the University of Chicago, Graduate

          School of Business, Center for Decision Research, November 1, 1982.

Developmental changes in judgment of achievement related variables.  Presented at the University of

          Notre Dame, Psychology Department, April 28, 1983.

Issues in social cognition in developmental research.  Presented at Northern Illinois University,

          Psychology Department, July 14, 1983.

Using mathematical models to represent qualitative and quantitative developmental changes.  Presented at conference on Modeling and Methods in Developmental Psychology, Edmonton, Alberta, May, 1985.

Reversible operations in the intuitive and analytic cognitive modes.  Presented as part of an invited symposium at the 8th biennial meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development, Tours, France, July 1985.

A model of individual differences and developmental sequences in proportional reasoning.  Invited paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL, May, 1989.

The use of intuitive representations in math problem solving.  Presented at University of

          Wisconsin-Madison, Psychology Department, October, 1992.

The development of intuitive representations and math problem solving.  Presented at Universitat

          TŸbingen, and at Universitat Frankfurt, Germany, June, 1994.

Prenatal stress induces alterations in social adaptive behavior in subhuman primates. In: Origins and levels of vulnerability to behavioral and mental dysfunctions.  Institute National De La Sante Et De La Recherche Medicale, Aix Les Bains, France.  October, 1998.  (Co-author with Mary L. Schneider, presented by Schneider)

The effects of prenatal stress on developmental outcomes: A nonhuman primate model.  The Effects

of Early Adversity on Neurobehavioral Development.  31st Minnesota Symposium on Child Psychology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.  October, 1998.  (Co-author with Mary L. Schneider, presented by Schneider)

Prenatal stress alters neurobehavioral and endocrine responses in rhesus monkey offspring.

Collegium Internationale Neuro-psychopharmacologicum, Glasgow, Scotland.  July, 1998.  (Co-author with Mary L. Schneider, presented by Schneider)

Risk perceptions of environmental hazards: Gender differences, controllability, and environmental attitudes.  Department of Psychology Colloquium, Lawrence University, Appleton, WI.  April, 1999.

Invited commentator on risk perceptions of nuclear energy, CREECA (Center for Russia, East

Europe, and Central Asia). Chernobyl: A theme to integrate the natural and social sciences, University of Wisconsin-Madison, June 28-30, 1999.

Modern psychology of religion:  Examples from prejudice and religiousness.  Religious Studies Faculty Colloquium, University of Wisconsin-Madison, November, 2003.

Why pollution matters for childrenÕs development. Presented at the Earth Charter Community Summit, Madison, WI, October 11, 2003.

Controversies in behavioral epidemiology:  What they tell us about scientific objectivity.  Colloquium presented at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Psychology Department, January, 2004.

Environmental injustices in childrenÕs exposure to common pollutants:  Emphasis on behavioral effects presented at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Mystery Dinner Speaker Group, October, 2004.

Schneider, M. L. & Moore, C. F.  Moderate level fetal alcohol exposure and prenatal stress:  neurobehavior, dopamine function and gene x environment effects in a non-human primate model.  (University of Wisconsin-Madison Waisman Center, October, 2004.) (presented by Schneider).

Schneider M. L. & Moore, C. F.  Prenatal stress and fetal alcohol exposure:  Effects on complex systems in a primate model.  Chaos system group.  University of Wisconsin-Madison, November, 2004. (presented by Schneider).

Why pollution matters for childrenÕs psychological development.  Invited address presented at Middle Tennessee State University, Murphysboro, TN, April, 2004.

Human impacts of nuclear power accidents.  Presented at American Nuclear Society National Student Conference, University of Wisconsin-Madison, April, 2004.

Invited commentator at Symposium on Poverty and Brain Development sponsored by the Institute for Research on Poverty, University of Wisconsin-Madison, June, 2004.

How do we decide how much pollution is too much?  Presented at ÒMaking the connection:  Human health and environmental exposuresÓ Conference sponsored by the UW Medical School and Madison Physicians for Social Responsibility, Madison, WI, June, 2004.

Schneider, M.L., Moore, C.F. (July, 2005). Assessments of nonhuman primate behaviors related to mental health. NIMH Conference on Comparative and Primate Research, Minneapolis, MN. (presented by Schneider).

Environmental injustices in childrenÕs exposure to common pollutants: Emphasis on behavioral effects.  Presented at Gustavus Adolphus College, Saint Peter, MN, March 2005.

How do we decide how much pollution is too much?  Presented at Gustavus Adolphus College, Saint Peter, MN, March 2005.

An Unhealthy Start in Life: Why pollution matters for child development. Presented at Carleton College, April, 2006.

Why pollution matters for child development. Keynote address at the Tri-State Undergraduate Psychology Research Conference, Loras College, Dubuque, IA, October, 2006.



  A.    Reviews

Current Editorial Board of Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology.

Past editorial board member of Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes,

          Developmental Psychology.

Review panel for Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, 1991,

1993, 1997

Reviews of manuscripts for:

Child Development, Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, Developmental

Psychology, Cognitive Development, Psychological Methods, American Journal of


Ad Hoc member of NIH grant review panel, 1989, 2003

NSF, Decision, Risk & Management Science Panel, 1995-1996

Einhorn Award Committee, Judgment and Decision Making Society, 1992, 1994, 1996

APA Division 7 Dissertation Award Reviewer, 1996

Chair, APA Division 7 Dissertation Award Committee, 1997

NSF Graduate Fellowships Review Panel, 2004, 2006


B.      Other Service (selected):


External Research Committee, Madison School District, 1981-1988

Psychology Department Committee Leadership:

Director of Graduate Studies and Associate Department Chair, 1992-93, 2005-present

Chair, Developmental Area, 1982-1985, 2002-2006

Chair, Admissions and Fellowships Review Committee, 1985-1990

Chair, Research Equipment Committee, 1998-2001

Chair, Reading Room Committee, 2001-2002

Director of Reading Room, 2002-present


Recreational Sports Board, 1983-1990

Social Science Division Fellowships Committee, 1991-1993

L&S State Assigned Fellowships Committee, 1993

Science Literacy Committee, 1992-1993

Transportation Committee, 1994-1996

Chair, Transportation Committee, 1996-1997

Campus Planning Committee, 1996-1997

Letters and Science Advising Center, 1995-1998

L&S Dean's Committee on Graduate Education & Research, 1996-1997

Letters and Science Advising Center Steering Committee, 1997-1998

Chair, Parking Rate Structure Subcommittee (of Transportation Committee), 1997

Chair, Policy Review Subcommittee (of Transportation Subcommittee), 1995-1997

Bicycle/Pedestrian Subcommittee of Transportation Committee, 2002-2004

Faculty Senate, 2001-present

Graduate School Research Committee (Social Science), 2003-2005


Nonstock Corporation Registered Agent for the Society for Research in

Child Development, 1987-present

Secretary-Treasurer, Society for Judgment and Decision Making, 1997-2000


Current Research Funding:


1. Fetal Alcohol Effects in Monkeys: Dopamine & Behavior NIH AA12277, $3,140,000, PI – Mary L. Schneider (Moore – Co-Investigator – 10% time); 05/31/06 – 05/31/11

2. Moderate Level Prenatal Alcohol Exposure in Primates; NIH AA 10079 -- $3,145,000, PI – Mary L. Schneider (Moore – Co-Investigator – 10% time); 08/01/06 – 7/31/11

3. (submitted). Decision making and uncertain environmental risks with ethical implications; NSF, PI – Colleen F. Moore; $262,500, 06/01/07 – 05/31/10.


Teaching: (Taught 8 different course preparations prior to receiving tenure)


Graduate courses and seminars:

Statistical Analysis of Psychological Experiments

Behavioral Toxicology (as part of Toxicology 626, a team-taught course)

Core Issues in Developmental Psychology

Psychology of Risk

Developmental Theories and Research Methods

Practical Issues in Data Analysis

Psychological Scaling

Introspection and Behavior

Cognitive Development

Social Cognitive Development

Social and Personality Development

Development of Social Attribution Processes

Undergraduate courses:

Psychometric Methods

Psychology of Environmental Issues

Psychology of Religion

Personality and Social Development

Developmental Psychology

Introduction to Psychology