Colleen's Wisconsin
Orchid Collection
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Not many people know that orchids grow in
Wisconsin. I didn't know about Wisconsin orchids until my former
grad student, Celia ("Ce") E. Wills, R.N., Ph.D., taught me how to find
them. Here's a picture of Ce getting ready to photograph a
rattlesnake plaintain orchid that we found in the forest in Marinette
County Wisconsin.
Green Adder's mouth orchid | Rattlesnake plantain orchid | Nodding ladies tresses |
Striped coral root | Pale coral root | Slender ladies tresses |
Grass pink | Dragon's mouth (quite rare) | Rose pogonia |
Yellow lady slipper (Porcupine Wilderness, MI) |
Pink lady slipper (Porcupine Wilderness, MI) |
Fringed Orchid
(Near Pictured Rocks Nat'l Lakeshore, MI) |
Rein Orchid
(Near Pictured Rocks Nat'l Lakeshore,MI) |
(Near Pictured Rocks Nat'l Lakeshore,MI) |
Rein Orchid
(Near Pictured Rocks Nat'l Lakeshore,MI) |
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Last modified November 2009