COVID-19 Coronavirus and Social Distancing


Brauer, M., Brossard, D., DiPrete Brown, L. Ho, P., & Schwakopf, J. (2020). COVID-19 Coronavirus and Social Distancing. Internal Report, University of Madison-Wisconsin.

Brauer, M., Brossard, D., Brown, L.D.P., Schwakopf, J.M., & Wirz, C.D. (2020). Self-reported physical distancing in Wisconsin: Preliminary survey results to inform COVID-19 messaging. Madison, WI: Department of Life Sciences Communication and Department of Psychology, UW-Madison.

Wirz, C. D., Schwakopf, J. M., Brossard, D., Brown, L. D., & Brauer, M. (2020, April 13). Self-reported compliance and attitudes about social distancing during the COVID-19 outbreak.