Invited Colloquia (2010-present)
Invited Conference Presentations (2010-present)
Panels and Public Presentations (2010 – present)
Brauer (2023). How to change behaviors to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion. Talk given at the Rotary Club of Madison, Madison, WI, USA (July 2023).
Brauer (2023). Using data to inform our decisions: The 2021 campus climate survey task force. Invited Panel Member at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Diversity Forum, Madison, WI, USA (November 2022).
Brauer (2022). Effective steps for promoting diversity and inclusion. Talk given at the Wisconsin League of Municipalities, La Crosse, WI, USA (October 2022).
Brauer (2022). Effective ways to reduce prejudice and create an inclusive environment. Talk given at Thermo Fischer, Madison, WI, USA (May 2022).
Brauer (2021). What Factors Increase the Effectiveness of Implicit Bias Training?, National Institutes of Health Scientific Workforce Diversity Seminar: Is Implicit Bias Training Effectives? (September 2021). See below.
Brauer (2020). A Panel Discussion on Behavior Change. MadCity BECCsters, Madison WI (March 2020).
Brauer (2020). Cancel Culture: Do Our Mistakes Define Us? Wisconsin Business School, University of Wisconsin-Madison (March 2020).
Brauer (2020). Effective ways to reduce prejudice and create an inclusive climate. Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison WI, USA (February 2020).
Brauer (2020). Insights from behavioral science and social marketing: Influencing behaviors for good. KW2, Madison WI, USA (February 2020).
Brauer (2020). Scientifically tested methods to reduce racism and promote inclusion. College of Agricultural & Life Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Madison (February 2020).
Brauer (2020). Inclusive tutoring practices. All-Campus Tutor Training, University of Wisconsin-Madison (January 2020).
Brauer (2019). Effective ways to reduce prejudice and create an inclusive climate. Wisconsin Department of Administration Bureau of Equity and Inclusion, Madison WI, USA (December 2019).
Brauer (2019). The powerful impact of social norms on intergroup attitudes and behaviors. Interdisciplinary Training Program in Education Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Madison (November 2019).
Brauer (2019). Inclusive teaching – Evidence and practice. Teaching Academy Fall Retreat, University of Wisconsin-Madison (September 2019).
Brauer (2019). Scientifically tested methods to reduce racism and promote inclusion. City of Madison, WI, USA (September 2019).
Brauer (2019). Effective ways to reduce prejudice and create an inclusive environment. Natural Resources Conservation Service, Wisconsin Dells, WI, USA (September 2019).
Brauer (2019). Effective ways to reduce prejudice and create an inclusive climate. Sheboygan County Chamber of Commerce, Sheboygan WI, USA (October 2019).
Brauer (2019). Social marketing: Influencing behaviors for good. American Family Insurance DreamBank, Madison WI, USA (October 2019).
Brauer (2019). ‘Leaning in’ to your career advancement. School of Business, University of Wisconsin-Madison (May 2019).
Brauer (2019). Effective ways to reduce prejudice and create an inclusive climate. Organization Management Summit, University of Wisconsin-Madison (April 2019).
Brauer (2019). Approaching MLK’s dream: Scientifically tested methods to reduce racism and promote inclusivity. A.C. Nielsen Center for Marketing Research, University of Wisconsin-Madison (April 2019).
Brauer (2019). Crossroads of ideas: Approaching MLK’s dream. Wisconsin Institute for Discovery, Madison, WI, USA (March 2019).
Brauer (2019). Scientifically tested methods to reduce racism and promote inclusivity. Psi Chi Chapter, University of Wisconsin-Madison (February 2019).
Brauer (2019). Inclusive teaching practices – What works and what doesn’t work. Active Teaching Lab, University of Wisconsin-Madison (January 2019).
Brauer (2018). Inclusive teaching practices – What works and what doesn’t work. Teaching Academy, University of Wisconsin-Madison (October 2018).
Brauer (2018). Wanted: More Marie Curies and Percy Julians. Wisconsin Institute for Discovery, Madison, WI, USA (October 2018).
Brauer (2018). Evaluating pro-diversity initiatives with randomized controlled trials: Recent research from the Brauer Group Lab. College of Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison (April 2018).
Brauer (2017). Pro-diversity initiatives: Are we on the right track? Wisconsin Center for Education Research, University of Wisconsin-Madison (April 2017).
Brauer (2017). Insights from Behavioral Scientists. MadCity BECCsters, Madison WI (February 2017).
Brauer (2016). Reducing prejudice and discrimination: What works? Vegetable Crops Research Unit, University of Wisconsin-Madison (February 2016).
Brauer (2014). Repetition in Human Cognition and Behavior. SoundWaves, University of Wisconsin-Madison (April 2014).
Brauer (2014). How to get people to change their behavior: Insights from research in the behavioral sciences. Sustainability Forum, University of Wisconsin-Madison (February 2014).
Brauer (2013). How to motivate students. Teaching Academy Summer Institute, University of Wisconsin-Madison (June 2013).
Invited Colloquia (2010-present)
Brauer (2024) TBD. Medical Education Day, School of Medicine and Public Health, University of Wisconsin-Madison (May 2024).
Brauer (2024) TBD. Department of Psychology, Arizona State University (May 2024).
Brauer (2024) TBD. Plenary Panel Session at the Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science, San Francisco, CA, USA (May 2024).
Brauer (2024) Recent insights from diversity science. Medical Education Day, Marshfield Clinic Health System, Marshfield, WI, USA (May 2024).
Brauer (2024) Recent insights from diversity science. Robert M. La Follette School of Public Affairs, University of Wisconsin-Madison (March 2024).
Brauer (2022) Inclusive teaching: Research and strategies for learning environments. Inclusive Excellence Distinguished Speaker Series, College of Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison (September 2022).
Brauer (2022) Effective ways to reduce prejudice and create an inclusive environment. US CMS Week 2022, University of Wisconsin-Madison (June 2022).
Brauer (2022) Scientifically tested ways to promote diversity and inclusion. Integrated Program in Biochemistry (IPiB), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, USA (May 2022).
Brauer (2022). Inclusive teaching – Evidence and practice. Department of Computer Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison (March 2022).
Brauer (2021). Scientifically tested ways to promote diversity and inclusion. Kenneth B. Raper Symposium, University of Wisconsin-Madison (September 2021).
Brauer (2021). What factors increase the effectiveness of implicit bias training? National Institutes of Health Scientific Workforce Diversity Seminar Series, Washington, DC, USA (September 2021).
Brauer (2021). Empirically tested methods to promote inclusion. UW-System Women & Science Conference, Oshkosh, WI, USA (May 2021).
Brauer (2021). Inclusive teaching – Evidence and practice. Universidad de Granada, Spain (May 2021).
Brauer (2021). Reducing prejudice and promoting inclusion: Are we on the right track? Mind, Culture, and Society Laboratory, Department of Psychology, Stanford University (April 2021).
Brauer (2021). Empirically tested methods to promote inclusion. Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison (April 2021).
Brauer (2021). Empirically tested methods to promote inclusion. Department of Plant Pathology, University of Wisconsin-Madison (March 2021).
Brauer (2021). Promoting diversity and inclusion: Ineffective and effective approaches. Psychology Department and the Center for Law & Social Science, University of Southern California (March 2021).
Brauer (2021). Empirically tested methods to promote inclusion. Department of Forest & Wildlife Ecology, University of Wisconsin-Madison (February 2021).
Brauer (2021). Scientifically tested methods to reduce racism and promote inclusion. Neuroscience Training Program, University of Wisconsin-Madison (January 2021).
Brauer (2020). Scientifically tested methods to reduce racism and promote inclusion. College of Agricultural & Life Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Madison (February 2020).
Brauer (2020). Inclusive tutoring practices. All-Campus Tutor Training, University of Wisconsin-Madison (January 2020).
Brauer (2019). The powerful impact of social norms on intergroup attitudes and behaviors. Interdisciplinary Training Program in Education Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Madison (November 2019).
Brauer (2019). Scientifically tested methods to reduce prejudice and promote inclusion. Department of Communication Arts, University of Wisconsin-Madison (October 2019).
Brauer (2018). Reducing prejudice and promoting inclusiveness: Are we on the right track? Department of Psychology, Northwestern University, Evanston IL, USA (November 2018).
Brauer (2018). Reducing prejudice and promoting inclusiveness: Are we on the right track? Department of Psychology, Governors State University, University Park IL, USA (November 2018).
Brauer (2018). Pro-diversity initiatives: Are we on the right track? BREAD, University of Wisconsin-Madison (September 2018).
Brauer (2017). Reducing prejudice and promoting inclusiveness: Are we on the right track? Department of Psychology, University of Oklahoma, Norman OK, USA (November 2017).
Brauer (2017). Using social norms messaging to promote positive out-group attitudes. Department of Psychology, University of Kansas, Lawrence KS, USA (March 2017).
Brauer (2017). Using social marketing to raise awareness and change behaviors. School of Business, University of Wisconsin-Madison (February 2017).
Brauer (2017). Gérer les relations avec les étudiants dans l’enseignement supérieur [College teaching: Developing and maintaining a positive rapport with students]. School of Education, Université de Clermont-Ferrand, France (January 2017).
Brauer (2016). Effective ways to promote pro-diversity attitudes and inclusive behaviors. School of Business, University of Wisconsin-Madison (November 2016).
Brauer (2016). Making heterogeneity salient: An effective method to reduce prejudice and discrimination. BREAD, University of Wisconsin-Madison (September 2016).
Brauer (2016). Empirically tested methods to reduce prejudice and discrimination. Department of Psychology, University of Texas – El Paso, El Paso TX, USA (April 2016).
Brauer (2015). Reducing prejudice and discrimination: What works? Department of Communication Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Madison (October 2015).
Brauer (2015). Normative influences on deviant workplace behaviors. School of Business, University of Wisconsin-Madison (January 2015).
Brauer (2014). Reducing prejudice and discrimination: What works? Department of Kinesiology, Biomedical Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison (November 2014).
Brauer, M. (2014). What is prejudice? And how do we reduce it? Keynote address at the conference “Crossing Pathways: A Community Approach to Dismantling Racism Summit”, Kenosha WI (May 2014).
Brauer (2014). La características de una enseñanza eficaz [The characteristics of effective teaching]. Universidad de Sevilla, Spain (April 2014).
Brauer (2014). La características de una enseñanza eficaz [The characteristics of effective teaching]. Universidad de Granada, Spain (April 2014).
Brauer (2013). Modifying perceived variability reduces prejudice and discrimination. The New School of Social Research, New York (October 2013).
Brauer (2013). Enseigner à l’université: Développements récents et perspectives pour l’avenir [College teaching: Recent developments and perspectives for the future]. Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France (March 2013).
Brauer (2013). Les caractéristiques d’un enseignement efficace [Characteristics of effective teaching]. Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France (March 2013).
Brauer (2013). Enseigner à l’université: Développements récents et perspectives pour l’avenir [College teaching: Recent developments and perspectives for the future]. School of Education, Université de Clermont-Ferrand, France (March 2013).
Brauer (2011). Les réactions aux comportements incivils et immoraux [People’s reactions to uncivil and immoral behaviors]. Département de Psychologie, Université d’Aix-Marseille (January 2011).
Invited Conference Presentations (2010-present)
Brauer, M. (2019). The powerful impact of social norms on intergroup attitudes and behaviors. Talk given at the Annual Meeting of the “Society of Experimental Social Psychology” in Toronto, Canada (October 2019).
Campbell, M.R., & Brauer, M. (2019). Testing assumptions about bias on a university campus. Paper presented at the “20th Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology in Portland, OR (February 2019).
Gavac, S. & Brauer, M. (2019). Partisan imaginations: Liberals and conservatives don’t imagine equally immoral violations of the moral foundations. Paper presented at the “20th Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology” in Portland, OR (February 2019).
Brauer, M. (2018). Making Cool Choices: A game-based approach to promoting sustainable behaviors. Talk given at the Annual Meeting of the “Society of Experimental Social Psychology” in Seattle, WA (October 2018).
Campbell, M.R., & Brauer, M. (2018). Diversity interventions that work: Insights from scientific research. Talk given at the 20th annual “Leadership and Management Development Conference” in Madison, WI (October 2018).
Campbell, M.R., & Brauer, M. (2018). Increasing motivation to behave inclusively. Talk given at the Annual Meeting of the “Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues” in Pittsburgh, PA (June 2018).
Campbell, M.R., & Brauer, M. (2018). Diversity interventions that work: Insights from scientific research. Talk given at the annual “Minority Student Achievement Network Institute” in Madison, WI (April 2018).
Brauer, M. (2018). Testing pro-diversity interventions in large-scale field experiments. Talk given at the “Social and Personality Psychology of Scaling Up Preconference of the 19th Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology” in Atlanta, GA (March 2018).
Campbell, M. & Brauer, M. (2018). A brief pro-diversity intervention in a course syllabus improves pro-diversity attitudes and minority outcomes months later. Paper presented at the “19th Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology” in Atlanta, GA (March 2018).
Gavac, S. & Brauer, M. (2018). Contextual factors in partisan politics: Determining the effects of framing on relevance of the moral foundations. Poster presented at the “19th Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology” in Atlanta, GA (March 2018).
Murrar, S. & Brauer, M. (2018). Using descriptive norms messaging to create inclusive climates. Talk given at the “19th Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology” in Atlanta, GA (March 2018).
Brauer, M. (2017). Making Cool Choices: A game-based approach to promoting sustainable behaviors. Talk given at the “Sustainability Preconference of the 18th Annual Meeting for the Society of Personality and Social Psychology” in San Antonio, TX (January 2017).
Brauer, M. & Murrar, S. (2017). Creating inclusive climates with descriptive norms messaging. Talk given at the “18th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology”, Granada, Spain (July 2017).
Campbell, M. & Brauer, M. (2017). Preferences for assimilation and identifiability of sexual minorities. Paper presented at the “18th Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology” in San Antonio, TX (January 2017).
Gavac, S. & Brauer, M. (2017). Making the moral foundations concrete: The effect of political affiliation on people’s perceived immorality of and reactions to acts that violate one of the five moral foundations. Paper presented at the “18th Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology” in San Antonio, TX (January 2017).
Murrar, S. & Brauer, M. (2017). Using descriptive norms to create inclusive climates. Poster presentation at the “Understanding Interventions Conference”, San Antonio, TX (January 2017).
Murrar, S. & Brauer, M. (2017). Using entertainment media to reduce intergroup prejudice. Talk given at the “18th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology”, Granada, Spain (July 2017).
Gavac, S. & Brauer, M. (2016). The expression of moral foundations by U.S. senators: There’s more to morality than just party affiliation. Paper presented at the “17th Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology” in San Diego, CA (January 2016).
Murrar, S. & Brauer, M. (2016). Reducing prejudice with entertainment media. Paper presented at the “17th Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology” in San Diego, CA (January 2016).
Gavac, S., & Brauer, M. (2015). Social norms and tolerance of deviance: The causal effect of threat on the normative tightness of groups. Paper presented at the “16th Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology” in Long Beach, California (February 2015).
Murrar, S., & Brauer, M. (2015). A comparative study of prejudice interventions. Paper presented at the “16th Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology” in Long Beach, California (February 2015).
Murrar, S., & Brauer, M. (2015). Prejudice reduction: Comparing the effects of multiple methods. Paper presented at the “Association for Psychological Science Annual Convention” in New York, NY (May 2015).
Fonseca, A., & Brauer, M. (2014). The role of fairness procedures, normative influences and cultural variables in deviant workplace behavior. Paper presented at the “15th Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology” in Austin, Texas (February 2014).
Murrar, S., & Brauer, M. (2014). Entertainment education and prejudice reduction. Paper presented at the “15th Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology” in Austin, Texas (February 2014).
Chekroun, P., Rui, M., Brauer, M., & Nugier, A. (2013). In-group deviance: Friend of power, foe of status. Paper presented at the “14th Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology” in New Orleans (January 2013).
Brauer, M., & Er-rafiy, A. (2013). Increasing perceived variability reduces prejudice and discrimination. Paper presented at the “14th Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology” in New Orleans (January 2013).
Fonseca, A., & Brauer, M. (2013). Normtive influences on deviant workplace behaviors. Paper presented at the “14th Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology” in New Orleans (January 2013).
Moisuc, A. & Brauer, M. (2012). The extent of individuals’ engagement in interpersonal “risky” behavior. Paper presented at the “13th Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology” in San Diego (January 2012).
Font, H., & Brauer, M. (2012). Feeling of certainty enhances congruency between personal values and behaviors. Paper presented at the “13th Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology” in San Diego (January 2012).
Fonseca, A., Moisuc, A., Nugier, A. & Brauer, M. (2012). The identification of effective and ineffective reactions to others’ norm transgressions and the influence of cognitive load. Paper presented at the “13th Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology” in San Diego (January 2012).
Brauer, M., & Er-rafiy, A. (2012). Prejudice reduction. Paper presented at the “13th Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology” in San Diego (January 2012).
Moisuc, A. & Brauer, M. (2011). Premises of citizen’s overt opposition to uncivil behavior. Paper presented at the PIDOP Conference 2011 in Bologna, Italy (May 2011).
Moisuc, A. & Brauer, M. (2011). Antecedents of people’s overt opposition to uncivil behavior. Paper presented at the “16th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology ” in Stockholm, Sweden (July 2011).
Font, H., & Brauer, M. (2011). Certainty and preference for uniqueness: Implications for objective intra-group homogeneity. Paper presented at the “16th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology ” in Stockholm, Sweden (July 2011).
Fonseca, A., Moisuc, A., Nugier, A. & Brauer, M. (2011). The identification of effective and ineffective reactions to others’ norm transgressions and the influence of cognitive load. Paper presented at the “16th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology ” in Stockholm, Sweden (July 2011).
Er-rafiy, A., & Brauer, M. (2011). Promouvoir la diversité intragroupe : une nouvelle méthode de réduction de la discrimination [Promoting intragroup diversity: A new method to reduce discrimination]. Paper presented at “Colloque diversité et innovation en milieux socioprofessionnels”, in Clermont-Ferrand, France (December 2011).
Er-rafiy, A., & Brauer, M. (2011). Describing a group in positive terms reduces prejudice less effectively than describing it in positive and negative terms. Paper presented at “The 15th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology”, in Stockholm, Sweden (July 2011).
Brauer, M., & Er-rafiy, A. (2011). Modifying perceived variability reduces prejudice and discrimination. Paper presented at “The 15th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology”, in Stockholm, Sweden (July 2011).
Moisuc, A., & Brauer, M. (2010). Resursele psihologice individuale implicate în fata unui comportament necivilizat si/sau imoral [Psychological resources involved in reaction to an uncivil/immoral behavior]. Paper presented at the “5th National Conference on Psychology” in Iasi, Romania (September 2010).
Moisuc, A., & Brauer, M. (2010). Qui réagit face aux comportements incivils et immoraux? Relations entre caractéristiques individuelles, contrôle social et courage civil [Who reacts to uncivil and immoral behaviors? Relationship between individual characteristics, social control, and civil courage]. Paper presented at the “Congrès Annuel de la Société Française de Psychologie [French Society of Psychology]” in Lille, France (September 2010).
Moisuc, A., & Brauer, M. (2010). Les traits de personnalité et la réaction des gens face aux comportements incivils et immoraux [Personality traits and people’s reactions to uncivil and immoral behaviors]. Paper presented at the “8ème Congrès International de Psychologie Sociale en Langue Française” in Nice, France (August 2010).
Font, H., & Brauer, M. (2010). Certitude – Incertitude : Rôle dans les processus de conformité [Certainty – uncertainty: Their role in conformity processes]. Paper presented at the “8ème Congrès International de Psychologie Sociale en Langue Française” in Nice, France (August 2010).
Er-rafiy, A., & Brauer, M. (2010). Modifying perceived variability: A test of a ready-to-be-used prejudice intervention in laboratory and field settings. Paper presented at the “International Conference on Discrimination and Tolerance between Social Groups” in Jena, Allemagne (June 2010).