
Teaching Statement

I care a lot about the quality of my teaching and my students’ learning experience. In 2011, I wrote a book in which I described the best practices in college teaching. The book was written in French and has been translated into German, Spanish, and Portuguese. I have also given numerous workshops and presentations on effective teaching methods for adult learners. My workshops last between 3 hours and 3 days, and we cover topics like class preparation, writing a syllabus, teaching a large lecture class, teaching a seminar or lab, measuring students’ knowledge, student-professor rapport, student motivation, improving one’s teaching, and time management. I am convinced that four elements are essential for effective teaching:

(1) A good rapport between students and professor,

(2) A good syllabus and a clear structure,

(3) Pedagogic methods that integrate active learning, i.e., exercises in which the students participate actively in the learning process, and

(4) A teaching style that takes into account the attentional capacities of the average 20 year-old student.

I am a big fan of student-centered learning that focuses on students’ needs, desires, and capacities rather than the professor’s preferences. My goal is to make every one of my classes better than the previous one. I am extremely grateful to students who give me feedback about my teaching and make suggestions on how I can improve my classes.

Teaching Books

Brauer, M. (2014). An der Hochschule lehren: Praktische Ratschläge, Tricks und Lehrmethoden [Teaching at the university: Practical advice, suggestions, pedagogic methods]. Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag. View book in German here.

Brauer, M. (2013). Enseñar en la Universidad: Consejos prácticos, destrezas y métodos pedagógicos [Teaching at the university: Practical advice, suggestions, pedagogic methods]. Madrid, Spain: Pirámide. View book in Spanish here.

Brauer, M. (2012). Ensinar na universidade: conceitos práticos, dicas, métodos pedagógicos [Teaching at the university: Practical advice, suggestions, pedagogic methods]. São Paolo, Brazil: Parábola. View book in Portuguese here.

Brauer, M. (2011). Enseigner à l’université : Conseils pratiques, astuces, méthodes pédagogiques [Teaching at the university: Practical advice, suggestions, pedagogic methods]. Paris, France: Armand Colin. View book in French here.


2011-Present: University of Wisconsin-Madison
2007-2011: Université de Clermont-Ferrand
2006-2007: University of Wisconsin-Madison
1997-2006: Université de Clermont-Ferrand
1994-1997: Universität Konstanz
2000-Present: Workshops


2011-Present: University of Wisconsin-Madison

  • Statistical Analysis of Psychological Experiments (PSYCH 610/710). Graduate level. [610 Syllabus710 Syllabus]
  • Structural Equation Modeling. Graduate level. [711 Syllabus]
  • Designing and Testing Social Interventions (PSYCH 411). Undergraduate level. [411 Syllabus]

2007-2011: Université de Clermont-Ferrand

    • Organizational Behavior. Undergraduate level.
    • Methodology, Data Analysis, and SPSS I. Graduate level
    • Methodology, Data Analysis, and SPSS II. Graduate level
    • Key Readings in Social Psychology. Graduate level
    • Séminaire professionnel [Professional seminar]. Graduate level

1997-2006: Université de Clermont-Ferrand

  • Méthodologie, analyse de données et SPSS [Methodology, Data Analysis, and SPSS]. Graduate level
  • La cognition sociale [Social cognition]. Graduate level
  • La causalité: Les relations de cause à effet dans les sciences sociales et humaines [Causality: Cause and Effect in the Social and Human Sciences]. Graduate level
  • L’influence sociale et la modification des comportements [Social Influence and the Modification of Behavior]. Graduate level
  • L’enseignement à l’université [College Teaching]. Graduate level
  • Les penseurs clé en psychologie [Key Thinkers in Psychology]. Graduate level
  • Séminaire professionnel [Professional Seminar]. Graduate level

1994-1997: Universität Konstanz

  • Soziale Kognition [Social Cognition]: Sophomore level
  • Extreme Einstellungen [Extreme Attitudes]: Senior level
  • Intime Beziehungen [Intimate Relationships]: Sophomore level
  • Experimentelle et quasi-experimentelle Designs [Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Designs]: Graduate level
  • Sozialpsychologie [Social Psychology]: Introductory lecture for first year students
  • Sozialpsychologische Forschung [Research in Social Psychology]: Seminar for honor’s students and graduate students
  • Die wichtigsten Beiträge der Sozialpsychologie in den letzten 10 Jahren [The Most Important Contributions to Social Psychology in the last 10 Years]: Sophomore level
  • Kommunikation und soziale Interaktion [Communication and Social Interaction]: Sophomore level
  • Feldstudien: Planung, Ausführung und Datenanalyse [Field Studies: Planification, Execution, and Data Analyses]: Graduate level

2000-Present: Workshops

  • Racial Prejudice Workshop. Workshop taught for the Environmental Organizations Equity Working Group and Sustain Dane, Madison, WI, February 2016.
  • Reducing Racism and Prejudice: What works? Workshop given at the Madison Central Library, Madison, WI, February 2016, 2h.
  • Reducing Racism and Prejudice: What works? Workshop given at the YWCA Racial Justice Summit, Madison, WI, September 2015, 3h.
  • Introduction to Linear Mixed-Effects Models. Workshop given at the Universidad de Granada, Spain, April 2014, 3h.
  • How to effectively reduce prejudice and discrimination. Workshop given at the Kenosha County Department of Health, Kenosha, WI, November 2013, 3h.
  • How to improve your effectiveness as a university teacher. Workshop given at the Université de Lorraine, Nancy, March 2013, 3h.
  • How to improve your effectiveness as a university teacher. Workshop given at the School of Education, Université de Clermont-Ferrand, France, March 2013, 15h.
  • L’analyse des trajets et la modélisation par equations structurales [Path analysis and structural equation modeling]. Workshop given at the Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. Graduate and postgraduate level, February 2011, 25h.
  • Intimate relationships. Workshop given at the University of Granada, graduate and postgraduate level, May 2009, 6h.
  • Mediation and moderated mediation. Workshop given at the University of Granada, graduate and postgraduate level, May 2009, 6h.
  • Leadership in Organizations. Workshop given at the Ecole Supérieure de Commerce, Clermont-Ferrand. Undergraduate level, March 2009, 18h.
  • L’analyse des trajets et la modélisation par equations structurales [Path analysis and structural equation modeling]. Workshop given at the Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium. Graduate and postgraduate level, January 2009, 25h.
  • Data Analysis: Mediation and Moderation. Workshop given at the “Graduate Institute of Applied Psychology” in Lisbon, Portugal. Graduate and postgraduate level, October 2008, 10h.
  • Le role de l’élu dans la lutte contre les incivilités. [The role of elected representatives in the the fight against incivilities]. Workshop given at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de la Police, Lyon. The participants were mayors and members of municipal councils. September 2008, 4h.
  • Behavior Modification. Workshop given at the University of Granada. Graduate and postgraduate level, March 2008, 6h.
  • Social Power. Workshop given at the University of Granada. Graduate and postgraduate level, March 2008, 6h.
  • The use of contrasts in data analysis. Workshop given at Emory University, USA. Graduate and postgraduate level, April 2007, 3h.
  • Enseigner la psychologie [Teaching psychology]. Workshop given at the University of Clermont-Ferrand. Graduate and postgraduate level, June 2006, 18h.
  • L’utilisation des contrastes dans l’analyse de variance [The use of contrasts in analysis of variance]. Workshop given at the University of Clermont-Ferrand. Graduate and postgraduate level, June 2005, 18h.
  • Enseigner à l’université [College teaching]. Workshops given at the University of Clermont-Ferrand. Graduate and postgraduate level, February 2005, March 2005, February 2006; March 2006; 4 x 18h.
  • L’analyse des trajets et la modélisation par equations structurales [Path analysis and structural equation modeling]. Workshops given at the University of Clermont-Ferrand. Graduate and postgraduate level, June 2004, July 2004, June 2005; 3 x 18h.
  • L’analyse de régression simple et multiple [Simple and multiple regression analysis]. Workshops given at the University of Clermont-Ferrand. Graduate and postgraduate level, June 2004, July 2004; 2 x 18h.
  • Méthodologie de la Recherche Appliquée [Methodology of applied research]. Workshop given at the University of Clermont-Ferrand. Graduate and postgraduate level, September 2003, 18h.
  • L’analyse de régression simple et multiple [Simple and multiple regression analysis]. Workshop given at the University of Rennes. Graduate and postgraduate level, April 2003, 18h.
  • L’analyse de données pour les étudiants en 3e cycle [Data analysis for graduate students]. Workshop given at the René Descartes University in Paris. Graduate level, June 2002, 18h.
  • Die Benutzung von Kontrasten für den Test spezifischer Hypothesen [The use of contrasts for the tests of specific hypotheses]. Workshop given at the University of Jena, Germany. Graduate level, April 2002, 3h.
  • Modèles avancés d’analyses de données: Etablir des relations causales dans la recherche en psychologie [Advanced data analysis models: How to establish causal relationships in psychological research]. Workshop given at the University of Geneva, Switzerland. Graduate level, December 2001, March 2002, and June 2002, 45h total.
  • Les techniques statistiques avancées dans la recherche comportementale [Advanced statistical techniques in behavioral research]. Workshop given at the René Descartes University in Paris. Graduate level, December 2000, 12h.
  • Group perception and social cognition. Workshop given in collaboration with Patricia Devine During the EAESP Summer School 2000 in Clermont-Ferrand. Graduate level, July 2000, 75h.