Dr. Ashley Jordan – Information for Prospective Graduate Students
Website: ashleyelizajordan.com
Current research: My research examines the mechanisms that underlie children’s early evaluations of social life with emphasis on gender diversity and how messages about similarity guide children’s social preferences and inform their inferences about the structure of social groups.
Communication Prior to Applying:
Prospective students who have interacted with me prior to applying will not be given priority. I read each application I receive with an open mind. That said, I am happy to answer questions about my lab and my mentoring style from potential applicants. Most questions can be answered via email, but if needed, I am open to meeting via video call. The best way to schedule such a call is to send me an email (aejordan@wisc.edu) with your availability.
Any questions about the mechanics of completing/submitting the UW-Madison Psychology Department application itself are best addressed to our graduate coordinator, Kevin Belt (kbelt@psych.wisc.edu).
Areas I’m Willing to Advise Students in: Developmental; IGM; Social; Cognition & Cognitive Neuroscience. Note that if you are admitted, we will discuss which area group is the best fit for your training needs and interests. I do not advise students in the Clinical program.
How I Evaluate Applicants: Like all faculty members in the Psychology Department, I evaluate prospective graduate students in a holistic manner. I therefore consider all the possible ways in which students’ application materials can demonstrate excellence and a strong likelihood to thrive in the graduate program and in my lab. Previous work with children, particularly in a research setting, is strongly preferred. I will evaluate each applicant’s academic preparation, research preparation, motivation/drive, and personal statement. Qualities that I look for in an applicant include diligence, integrity, attention to detail, professionalism, maturity, collegiality, and deep intellectual curiosity.
Other Information for Prospective Applicants: I am happy to serve as the sole/primary mentor for graduate students; I am also open to co-advising students within and across area groups.