Joe Austerweil
Credentials: (he/him)
Position title: Associate Professor
Phone: (608) 262-9932
328 Psychlogy

Research Area(s)
Cognition and Cognitive Neuroscience
Lab Website
Austerweil Labratory
Research Interests
My research program investigates how people make decisions, reason, learn, and encode knowledge. To do so, I formulate computational models of how people learn and use their representations using recent advances in computer science and statistics. Then, I test these predictions empirically using online and laboratory experiments.
Representative Publications
Abbott, J. T., Austerweil, J. L., & Griffiths, T. L. (2015). Random walks on semantic networks can resemble optimal foraging. Psychological Review, 122(3), 558-569.
Austerweil, J. L. & Griffiths, T. L. (2013). Constructing flexible feature representations using nonparametric Bayesian inference. Psychological Review, 120 (4), 817-851.
Austerweil, J. L. & Griffiths, T. L. (2011). A rational model of the effects of distributional information on feature learning. Cognitive Psychology, 63, 173-209.
Austerweil, J. L. & Griffiths, T. L. (2011). Seeking confirmation is rational for deterministic hypotheses. Cognitive Science, 35, 499-526.