Stephanie Carpenter


Office: 426 Brogden Hall

Stephanie M. Carpenter is an affective, decision, and health behavior scientist, currently teaching courses on Health and Personality Psychology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Psychology. For the past four years, she held an appointment at the University of Michigan Institute for Social Research as a Researcher/Fellow and the Associate Director of the Data Science for Dynamic Intervention Decision-Making Center (d3c; formerly d3lab). Prior to this, she was a NIMH Postdoctoral Trainee in Emotion Research at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Stephanie received a joint Ph.D. in Social Psychology and Business Administration from the University of Michigan, and B.A. and M.S. degrees in Psychology from the University of Oregon. Her research examines the role of emotion and cognition in decision behavior, with interest in investigating ways to promote health equity through increasing engagement in health behavior change interventions.

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