I am a learner-centered teacher and believe that students should be the primary focus in the classroom – not the teacher. At the core of my teaching philosophy is leading and guiding students through course material by providing innovative, evidence-based learning opportunities. I have a firm understanding of learning, memory, and attention, and I use this knowledge to transform courses into something that engages students. I guide my students towards success by creating and / or finding engaging class demonstrations, promptly replying to student questions, developing rapport with students, encouraging student interaction during class, and creating hands-on class projects that allow students to learn through experience. I am continually revising and redesigning courses to utilize innovative, evidence-based teaching techniques like Team-Based Learning, Problem Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL), active learning, collaborative learning, and learner-centered teaching. Ultimately, I want students to understand how the course concepts can help them with their studies, career, and daily life.
Courses taught previously at UW and/or currently teach at UW
Psych 202
Psych 210
Psych 311
Educational background
A.S. Psychology (2001) Salt Lake Community College
B.S. Psychology (2007) University of Utah
Certificates: Human Factors Certificate; Researcher Designation
M.S. Human Development and Social Policy (2009) University of Utah
Ph.D. Experimental Psychology (2013) Washington State University
Relevant Publications and Awards
Martin, K. M., & Gallimore, J. M. (2020). Comparing student performance in flipped and non-flipped ppace mechanics classrooms. International Journal of Engineering Education 36(5), 1–10.
Martin, K., & Gallimore, J. M. (2018). It’s Not Rocket Science: The Flipped Classroom in Space Mechanics Paper presented at 2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition , Salt Lake City. https://peer.asee.org/29641 *Published in proceedings.
Martin, K., Gallimore, J.M., & Shannon, B. (2018). Creating effective learning activities for the flipped classROOM. Lilly Conference on Teaching for Active and Engaged Learning, Anaheim.
Martin, K. & Gallimore, J.M. (2018). Flipping space mechanics: Comparing a traditional and less traditional classroom. The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Science and Technology Forum and Exposition. Kissimmee. https://doi.org/10.2514/6.2018-0806 *Published in proceedings.
Gallimore, J.M., Boettcher, A., & Navarrete, E.L. (2017). Methods for blending research and curriculum to enhance student learning. The 31st Annual National Conference on Undergraduate Research, Memphis.
UW-Madison: Honored Instructor Fall 2019 and Spring 2020