Morgan Jerald
Credentials: (she/her)
Position title: Assistant Professor
522 Psychology
Research Area(s)
Social and Personality
Lab Website
Intersectionality and Marginalization (I.AM) Lab
Research Interests
My research examines sociocultural factors that influence Black women’s gender beliefs, sexual well-being, and experiences of sexualization. Drawing on theories and methods from social and developmental psychology, Black feminism, and communication studies, my research is guided by two central questions. First, how do the media act as agents of gender and sexual socialization for Black adolescents and young adults? I am particularly interested in how the media communicate messages about gendered, racial stereotypes to Black youth. Second, when Black women are aware that others hold stereotypes of their group, what are the consequences for their physical, mental, and sexual well-being? My current work explores the impact of Black women’s awareness of negative sexual stereotypes (i.e., the Jezebel stereotype) on their sexual attitudes, sexual behavior, and experiences of sexualization.
Representative Publications
Daniels, E., Jerald, M.C., & Ward, L.M. (2022). The woman in the (rearview) mirror: Viewers’ attitudes toward objectified car selfies of Black and White women. Psychology of Popular Media, 11(2), 217–226.
Leath, S., Jerald, M.C., Perkins, T., & Jones, M. (2021). A qualitative exploration of Jezebel stereotype endorsement and sexual behaviors among Black college women. Journal of Black Psychology, 47(4-5), 244-283.
Jerald, M.C., Cole, E.R., Ward, L.M., & Avery, L.A. (2017). Controlling images: How awareness of group stereotypes affects Black women’s well-being. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 64(5), 487-499. doi:10.1037/cou0000233
Jerald, M.C., Ward, L.M., Moss, L., Thomas, K., & Fletcher, K.D. (2017). Subordinates, sex objects, or sapphires? Investigating contributions of media use to Black students’ femininity ideologies and stereotypes about Black women. Journal of Black Psychology, 43(6), 608-635. doi: 10.1177/0095798416665967