Yuri Miyamoto
Position title: Professor
Email: ymiyamoto@wisc.edu
Phone: (608) 890-1035
418 Psychology

Research Area(s)
Social and Personality
Lab Website
Culture & Cognition Lab
Research Interest
My research focuses on the interplay between cultural contexts and psychological processes. To understand dynamic ways in which culture and psychological processes mutually shape and sustain each other, the specific aims of my research programs are threefold: (i) to illuminate cultural differences in emotion (pro-positive/contra-negative vs. balanced systems of emotions) and cognition (i.e., holistic/dialectical vs. analytic/linear) and their health implications, (ii) to examine multilevel influences of culture and social hierarchy on psychological processes, and (iii) to elucidate effects of inter-cultural interactions (e.g., acculturation processes).
Representative Publications
Ma, X., Tamir, M., & Miyamoto, Y. (in press). Socio-cultural instrumental approach to emotion regulation: Culture and the regulation of positive emotions. Emotion.
Miyamoto, Y., Ma, X., & Wilken, B. (2017). Cultural variation in pro-positive versus balanced systems of emotions. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 15, 27-32.
Miyamoto, Y., Ma, X., & Petermann, A. G. (2014). Cultural differences in hedonic emotion regulation after a negative event. Emotion, 14, 804-815.
Miyamoto, Y., Boylan, J. M., Coe, C. L., Curhan, K., Levine, C. S., Markus, H. R., et al. (2013). Negative emotions predict elevated interleukin-6 in the United States but not in Japan. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 34, 79-85.
Miyamoto, Y. (2013). Culture and analytic versus holistic cognition: Toward multilevel analyses of cultural influences. Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, 47, 131-188.
Miyamoto, Y., & Ma, X. (2011). Dampening or savoring positive emotions: A dialectical cultural script guides emotion regulation. Emotion, 11, 1346-1357.
Miyamoto, Y., & Wilken, B. (2010). Culturally contingent situated cognition: Influencing others fosters analytic perception in the U.S. but not in Japan. Psychological Science, 21, 1616-1622.