Drop-in Hours

Fall 2024:

Thursday, December 12th 12pm-1:30pm In-person
Wednesday, December 18th 11am-12:30pm In-person


Students who arrive for in-person Drop-in Hours should come to room 438 in the Psychology Building (4th floor) and fill out a drop-in quarter-sheet with their name, campus ID number, and brief description of their question(s). Advisors will meet with students on a first-come first-serve basis for a brief 10 minute meeting.

Virtual drop-in hours are limited to 10 minutes and for current UW-Madison students interested in or declared in the Psychology major. Students must wait in the virtual waiting room until a Psychology Advisor is available to meet. Once an Academic Advisor is available, students will be admitted into the meeting room (first come, first served) for their one-on-one, 10-minute conversation.

Additional Information:
Current UW-Madison students can schedule advising appointments with Psychology advisors using Starfish.

* Would you like to declare the Psychology major?  See the MAJOR page.
** If you would like to be added to the Psychology major listserv for updates and announcements, please send a blank email to: Psych_majors+subscribe@g-groups.wisc.edu.