A rigorous understanding of human/animal behavior and mental processes can be applied to almost any career. Students majoring in psychology have successfully pursued careers in science, clinical/counseling, business, medicine, law, public service, and a variety of other areas. UW-Madison’s Psychology major requires a variety of Foundation courses (Introductory Psychology, Statistics, Research Methods), Biology, Breadth courses, Depth courses, Capstone courses, and Psych elective credits.
- Requirements
- Declare the Major
- Join our email list
- Honors in the Major
- Undergraduate Thesis Guidelines
Visit the GUIDE for Psychology Major requirements:
Psychology, B.A. or Psychology, B.S.
NOTE: Current students should review their DARS, the official document of record, for degree and major progress.
Requirements for students who declared the Psychology major PRIOR to Fall 2022:
Psychology, B.A. or Psychology, B.S.
Have a question? Check out our FAQs page.
TO DECLARE THE PSYCHOLOGY MAJOR, a student must successfully complete Introductory Psychology (or the equivalent) with a grade of C or better and submit an ONLINE MAJOR DECLARATION FORM through the Psychology Advising (non-credit) Canvas course. Students must email advisor@psych.wisc.edu with their NetID (the first part of your @wisc.edu email address) to be added to the online Canvas course. The major declaration request form can be accessed from the course modules.
Note: Students may also declare by scheduling an appointment with a Psychology Advisor.
To receive updates about the psychology major, Join our Psychology Major Listserv! Send a blank email to Psych_majors+subscribe@g-groups.wisc.edu. We send a weekly e-newsletter called the Psych e-letter with campus and community events, job and internship opportunities, scholarships, special programs and more!
Program Overview
Psychology Honors in the Major is designed to give students an opportunity to work more closely with faculty and gain in-depth research experience. This is a great opportunity for students who want to continue on to graduate school, and/or who have a strong interest in research.
Honors in the Major Program Information
Questions? Contact: honors@psych.wisc.edu
The following provides information on what an Undergraduate Thesis entails, what a timeline might look like for students interested in pursuing a Thesis, a form required for enrolling in Thesis credits, and additional information.