Findings from the New York High-Risk Project
Gooding, D.C., Coleman, M.J., Roberts, S.A., Shenton, M.E., Levy, D.L., & Erlenmeyer-Kimling L. (2012). Thought disorder in offspring of schizophrenic parents: Findings from the New York High-Risk project. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 38, 263-271.
Gooding, D.C., Ott, S.L., Roberts, S.A., & Erlenmeyer-Kimling, L. (2013). Thought disorder in mid-childhood as a predictor of adulthood diagnostic outcome: findings from the New York High-Risk Project. Psychological Medicine, 43, 1003-1012.
Longitudinal Validation of Psychometric High-Risk Method
Gooding, D.C., Tallent, K.A., & Matts, C.W. (2007). Rates of avoidant, schizotypal, schizoid, and paranoid personality disorders in psychometric high-risk groups at 5-year follow-up. Schizophrenia Research, 94, 373-374.
Gooding, D.C., Tallent, K.A., & Matts, C.W. (2005). Clinical status of at-risk individuals five years later: Further validation of the psychometric high-risk strategy. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 114, 170-175.
Developmental Psychopathology and Examination of Risk in Adolescents
Fonseca-Pedrero, E., Gooding, D.C.,Ortuño-Sierra, J., Pflum, M., Paino, M., & Muñiz, J. (2016). Classifying risk status of non-clinical adolescents using psychometric indicators for psychosis spectrum disorders. Psychiatry Research, 243, 246-254.
Fonseca-Pedrero, E., Gooding, D.C., Ortuño-Sierra, J., & Paino, M. Assessing self-reported Clinical High Risk symptoms in community-derived Spanish adolescents: A psychometric evaluation of the Prodromal Questionnaire-Brief. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 66, 201-208.
Gooding, D.C., & Iacono, W.G. (1995). Schizophrenia through the lens of a developmental psychopathology perspective. In Cicchetti, D. & Cohen, D.J. (Eds.), Manual of Developmental Psychopathology, Vol. II. Risk, disorder, and adaptation (pp. 535-580). New York: Wiley.
Measurement of Hedonic Response
Gooding, D.C., Chan, R.C.K., Zhou, H.-y., Li, Z., & Cheung, E.F.C. (2017). The indirect assessment of social anhedonia in Chinese adolescents: Preliminary findings. Psychiatry Research, 257, 418-423.
Ocular Motor Research and Psychopathology
Schizotypy Research using Psychometric Identification of Risk
Gooding, DC & Pflum, MJ (2011). Theory of mind & psychometric schizotypy. Psychiatry Research, 188, 217-223.
Putnam, K.M., Pizzagalli,D.A., Gooding, D.C., Kalin, N.H., & Davidson, R.J. (2008). Neural activity and diurnal variation of cortisol: Evidence from brain electrical tomography analysis and relevance to anhedonia. Psychophysiology, 45, 886-895.
Working Memory Performance
Park, S. & Gooding, D.C. (2014). Working memory impairment as an endophenotypic marker of a schizophrenia diathesis. Schizophrenia Research: Cognition, 1, 127-136.
Gooding, D.C., & Tallent, K.A. (2002). Spatial working memory performance in patients with schizoaffective psychosis versus schizophrenia: A tale of two disorders?Schizophrenia Research, 53, 209-218.
Affective Responsivity
Gooding, D.C. & Tallent, K.A. (2002). Schizophrenia patients' perceptual biases in response to positively and negatively valenced emotion chimeras. Psychological Medicine, 32, 1101-1107.
Stigma and Mental Illness
Review Papers about Schizotypy Research
Ettinger, U., Mohr, C., Gooding, D.C., Cohen, A.S., Rapp, A. Haenschel, C., & Park, S. Cognition and brain function in schizotypy: A selective review. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 41 (Suppl. 2), S417-S426.
In press chapters available upon request.