5 Questions with Aiman Syeda x’26

Aiman Syeda

Read all about this month’s featured student, junior and psychology major Aiman Syeda.

UWPsych: Why did you choose to study Psychology?
I chose to study psychology because I am passionate about human behavior and motivation and how that can be leveraged to create dynamic work environments.

UWPsych: What is a favorite psychology class you have taken and why?
My favorite psychology class was Social Psychology. I love how it went into depth about human behavior and why people do the things they do. We also learned about efficient life skills and career skills that can help enhance our quality of life and make meaningful relationships.

UWPsych: How do you spend your time outside of school? Are you involved in any extracurriculars or jobs?
I currently work as a Career Peer Advisor at SuccessWorks (shout-out to the SuccessWorks carer advising services and the Psychology academic advisors! They have helped me pave a path for myself through personalized recommendations and helped me in my academic and career success!). I am also volunteering at the Special Education program at McFarland High School and often volunteer at local non-profits. Personal time includes reading fantasy books and binge-watching shows!

UWPsych: Best advice for students considering a psych major or who have recently declared?
My top advice for new psych majors is to explore a diverse range of elective courses rather than limiting yourself, which will allow you to discover where your strengths and interests truly lie!

UWPsych: What are your plans post-graduation?
I plan to pursue a career in HR Management and get an MBA in HR Management. My background in psychology and knowledge of human behavior will give me a huge benefit in understanding employee behavior, improving workplace strategies, talent management, and employee engagement.

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