Honor Roll of Donors

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Honor Roll: Donors in 2017

Legacy Circle
We are grateful to these loyal alumni and friends who have remembered the
Psychology Department in their estate plans.
Michael F. Cohen Arlene R. Davenport
George C. and Kathryn D. Halazon Michelle E. Jarvie
Ann Lindsey and Charles T. Snowdon Rose J. Lupinski Staley
Manfred J. and Roberta M. Meier David G. and Joy K. Rice
Harold F. and Evelyn H. Uehling
Chair’s Circle ($10,000 and up or lifetime donations of $200,000 or more) Friends of Psychology ($1 to $99)
Janet S. Hyde Payton A. Bills
Mark D. and Ilene P. Laufman Madison M. Blaydes
John P. and Tashia F. Morgridge Aaron K. Bochniak
 Google Inc Candi J. Briski
Sarah C. Mangelsdorf and Karl S. Rosengren Neil S. and Marjorie W. Buckholtz
Joyce A. and Frederick M. Rosevear Malcolm R. and Kathie Burdick
Andrew A. and Carlene M. Ziegler Lauren N. Cigale
Sarah A. Cines
Platinum Circle ($2,500 to $9,999) Kristin N. Dowe
John C. Dolan Carol T. and Richard E. Ernst
Edward A. and Patricia A. Grant Barbara S. Gomach
Meghan D. and Michael M. Morrissey Kathryn A. and Patrick M. Grady
Kevin C. Tomfohrde Deborah J. Hans
Ann M. Vertovec and David T. Audley Richard J. and Mary B. Harris
Glenn P. Hirsch
Gold Circle ($1,000 to $2,499) Jessica L. and Ben Johnson
C Mary Dingus and Robert D. Hendricks Angela R. Johnson
John D. Gould Richard P. Kaplan
Leslie H. Hicks Jonathan E. Kass
Susan K. Himmelman-Shapiro and Peter N. Shapiro Victoria R. Klaas
Kurt F. Klomberg Frederick H. Kresse
Andrea M. and Richard C. Konz Gloria and Arthur S. Leon
Charles T. and Bonnie E. Leitzke Zhan Luo
Stephen K. Reed Kurt V. Mede
Sigmund L. and Candy Sattenspiel Annastasia G. Morgan
Michael J. and Patricia A. Smith Eric S. Morgenthaler
Barry S. and Robin L. Weiner John T. Mullen
Linda C. Nedleman
Silver Circle ($100 to $999) Alexandria A. Owens
Tim A. Ahles Lorenzo A. Pavoloni
Aristotle A. and Virginia L. Alexander George J. Perrett
Raymond L. and Eve C. Allar Alison G. Peters
Anna M. Bardone-Cone and Matthew R. Cone Diane F. Peterson
Benjamin L. Beckwith and Katherine Dorociak Lauren V. Prazuch
Phyllis A. Berg Caroline P. Price
Barbara P. and Phillip T. Berkowitz Gary L. Scherer
Cheryl A. and Michael A. Biro Louis E. and Lois E. Sigman
Thomas H. Brandon Daniel B. Vatterott
Douglas E. Conomy David A. Vollrath
Ellen V. and Christopher A. Coury Ryan J. and Stacy A. Wieme
Patricia G. Devine Lucy J. Witchell
Amanda M. Durik and David J. Castro Ziyi Xiu
Brian J. Feiges and Tamar B. Kelber
Norman B. Ferguson
Richard J. Friedman
Linda D. Gershman
James C. and Lynn B. Gilbert
Steven J. Haase
Robert E. and June E. Holt
 Individual Cash Gifts
Thomas R. and Annette M. Jacobson
Craig T. Johnson
Melanie Jones
Mark W. and Diana B. Kehrberg
Jennifer M. Knight and Nathan Hammons
Carol L. Krafka and Ali Enayat
Scott A. Langenecker
Kevin S. Langreck
Matthew A. Lerner and Virginia K. Tierney
Qihong Lu
A John and Marilee J. McSweeny
Paul M. Olk
Thomas F. and Gail V. Oltmanns
Peter A. Ornstein
Yvonne V. Pola and Paul T. Pacheco
Robert L. Raisler
Amy M. and Brian C. Randall
Amanda K. Riek
Samantha C. Rome and Adam J. Pollack
Ila S. Rothschild
Martin A. Safer and Carolyn Lichtenstein
Jill M. Schwarze-Gundlach
Michael D. and Marcy L. Seiler
Rand W. Siekert
Ellen G. Sills
June K. and Stanley R. Spencer
Mark F. and Frances Stasson
Katherine A. Straznickas
Scot J. and Lynn Streeter
Randall J. Strossen and Elizabeth M. Hammond
 UW Madison Psi Chi
 UW-Madison Psychology Club
Vicki J. Volbrecht and James S. Prater
Allen W. and Maribeth R. Watson
Adam W. and Susan F. Wegner
David L. Weiner
Michael J. and Nancy C. Zajano



 Legacy Circle
We are grateful to these loyal alumni and friends who have remembered the
Psychology Department in their estate plans.
 Michael F. Cohen Arlene R. Davenport
George C. and Kathryn D. Halazon Michelle E. Jarvie
Ann Lindsey and Charles T. Snowdon Rose J. Lupinski Staley
Manfred J. and Roberta M. Meier David G. and Joy K. Rice
Harold F. and Evelyn H. Uehling
 Chair’s Circle ($10,000 and up or
lifetime donations of $200,000 or more)
John D. DeLamater and Janet S. Hyde Mark D. and Ilene P. Laufman<td?
John P. and Tashia F. Morgridge  Google Inc
Sarah C. Mangelsdorf and Karl S. Rosengren Joyce A. and Frederick M. Rosevear
Andrew A. and Carlene M. Ziegler
Platinum Circle ($2,500 to $9,999)
 Friends of Psychology ($1 to $99)

Honor Roll: Donors in 2016

 Legacy Circle
We are grateful to these loyal alumni and friends who have remembered the
Psychology Department in their estate plans.
 Michael Cohen  Rose Lupinski Staley
 Arlene Davenport  Manfred and Roberta Meier
 George and Kathryn Halazon  Joy and David Rice
 Bryan Hendricks  Charles Snowdon and Ann Lindsey
 Michelle Jarvie  Evelyn Uehling
 Chair’s Circle ($10,000 and up or
lifetime donations of $200,000 or more)
 Friends of Psychology ($1 to $99)
 Aristotle A. Alexander  Neha Anand
 Bryan Hendricks  Aaron R. Anderson
 Leslie Hicks  Rachel L. Babiarz
 Mark D. and Ilene P. Laufman  Amy A. Baker
 Frederick and Joyce Y. Rosevear  Jeffrey J. Bellos
 Charles T. Snowdon and Ann Lindsey  Robert G. and Nancy M. Blazek
 David L. Weiner  Zoe L. Blumenthal
 Andrew A. and Carlene M. Ziegler  Kathryn E. Booze
 Mark G. and Susan M. Bretscher
 Platinum Circle ($2,500 to $9,999)  Malcolm R. and Kathie Burdick
 John D. DeLamater and Janet S. Hyde  Scott G. Burns
 John C. Dolan  Rachel S. Campagna
 John D. Gould  Sophia A. Cashman
 Michael M. and Meghan D. Morrissey  Catskill Construction
 Karl Rosengren and Sarah C. Mangelsdorf  Concentric Counseling & Consulting
 Peter N. Shapiro  Ariana Conroy
 Kevin C. Tomfohrde  Gabriela C. Cristobal
 William J. Cronon
 Gold Circle ($1,000 to $2,499)  Caitlin M. Curtis
 Harold H. Goldsmith and Morton A. Gernsbacher  Anh P. Dang
 Robert D. Hendricks and C Mary Dingus  Kevin J. and Mary J. Demet
 Richard C. and Andrea M. Konz  Heidi M. Dietz
 Meredith Monroe  Michelle R. DiSilvestro
 Stephen K. Reed  Kevin C. Dlugos
 Sigmund L. and Candy Sattenspiel  Kristin Dowe
 Michael J. and Patricia A. Smith  Edward Engelbride
 David T. Audley and Ann M. Vertovec  Elizabeth E. Farley
 Barry S. and Robin L. Weiner  Yutong Feng
 Linda D. Gershman
 Silver Circle ($100 to $999)  Greg Gilroy
 Raymond L and Eve C. Allar  Barbara S. Gomach
 Peter Amato  Taryn M. Gordon
 Edward K. and Carolyn W. Arndt  Lila S. Greenberg
 Stanley Goldfarb and Sandra L. Arnn  Sarah L. Habermehl
 Jason A. Belcher  Richard J. and Mary B. Harris
 Phillip T. and Barbara P. Berkowitz  Meredith K. Head
 Guthrie S. and Susan F. Birkhead  Jon T. Hoistad
 Laura A. Biro  Meghan L. Jacobson
 Michael A. and Cheryl A. Biro  Neda Jasemi
 Lynn A. Blewett  Angela R. Johnson
 Fred K. and Michelle Bowers  Finola E. Kane-Grade
 Columbia Development Companies  Richard P. Kaplan
 Douglas E. Conomy  Jonathan E. Kass
 John J. Conway  Taylor L. Keaton
 Christopher A. and Ellen V. Coury  Elena A. Kennedy
 M Jean Cronon  Minsu and Elizabeth Kim
 Thomas J. Curnes  Bri Krueger
 Patricia G. Devine  Amy C. Lang
 Brian and Alicia M. Domack  Rachel A. Larsen
 David J. Castro and Amanda M. Durik  Jameson Lee
 Marti Ellermann  Oliver J. Lees
 Brian J. Feiges and Tamar B. Kelber  Molly H. Logic
 Robert S. Feldman and Katherine E. Vorwerk  Christine T. Longoria
 Robert and Sylvia Feltman  Spencer J. Lund
 Richard J. Friedman  Zhan Luo
 W Emy Gartzke  Matthew J. Lupini
 Marjorie H. Greenfield  Michael R. Marshall
 Steven J. Haase  Vickey Masta
 Frederick M. Hathaway  Luke J. Mathers
 Stephen C. and Leslie Z. Hathaway  Autumn R. Mazzulla
 Robert E. and June E. Holt  Abigail M. McQuillan
 Stanley L. and Shirley S. Inhorn  Emily N. Mech
 Sara J. Jarvis  David Menendez
 Gregory L. and Julie P. Johnson  Tierra Merritt
 Craig T. Johnson  Annastasia G. Morgan
 Mark W. and Diana D. Kehrberg  Mel B. Morgenbesser
 Alisa M. Kleisner  Eric S. Morgenthaler
 Kurt F. Klomberg  John T. Mullen
 Jennifer M. Knight  William J. and Mary Murabito
 Charles T. and Bonnie E. Leitzke  Elizabeth M. Muthersbaugh
 Matthew A. Lerner and Virginia K. Tierney  William A. Napiecinski
 Cara L. Liu  Stephen and Kaaren Nowicki
 Norman I. Massry  Amy P. Ochola
 Susan G. Sanderson and Maryann M. McGeorge  Jon G. Oelke
 A John and Marilee J. McSweeny  Gerald and Marguerite O’Malley
 Erin L. Meixelsperger  Emily S. Orals
 Irene M. Meyer  Alexandria A. Owens
 Cynthia L. Morgan  Elli G. Pappas
 Warren P. and Paula O. Nesbitt  Bradley L. Peltin
 Maureen D. Oechslin  Diane F. Peterson
 Robert A. Offerle  Emma K. Phillips
 James R. O’Leary  Amanda K. Riek
 Paul M. Olk  Elizabeth M. Rime
 Thomas F. and Gail V. Oltmanns  Karly A. Rosinsky
 Peter A. Ornstein  Clare E. Rudolph
 Thomas R. and Joan C. Peters  Brandon M. Rufer
 Carly K. Peterson  Rebecca L. Scharringhausen
 Paul T. Pacheco and Yvonne V. Pola  Gary L. Scherer
 Robert L. Raisler  Hailey Schiedermayer
 Brian C. and Amy M. Randall  Louis E. and Lois E. Sigman
 Adam J. Pollack and Samantha C. Rome  Jeffrey and Laurel M. Silber
 Curtis G. and Deborah A. Rose  Sheila P. Simhan
 Ila S. Rothschild  Daniel R. Simms
 Nicole H. Scaro  Patricia Simms
 Christopher G. and Joanna L. Segrin  Carly A. Solomon
 Michael D. and Marcy L. Seiler  Abigail E. Suslavich
 Carolin J. Showers  Brittni A. Swanson
 Ellen G. Sills  Cassandra Taylor
 Eileen M. Smith  Christopher Yoi Tibbetts
 Prashant and Meredith Srivastava  William P. and Jennifer R. Tishler
 Mark F. and Frances Stasson  Ian V. Todaro
 Jacob B. and Megan Stern  Jordan A. Tuff
 Scot J. and Lynn Streeter  Madison L. Tully
 Randall J. Strossen and Elizabeth M. Hammond  Daniel B. Vatterott
 Joseph R. and Pauline R. Thome  Jodi L. Viera
 Rodney A. and Donna M. Ulteig  Thomas S. and Sharon M. Wallsten
 James S. Prater and Vicki J. Volbrecht  Carrie A. Walters
 David A. Vollrath  Samantha J. West
 David S. Warner  Jaime A. Wilsker
 Allen W. and Maribeth R. Watson  Gayle L. and Mary A. Worf
 Amy Yang
 Erica Youngerman
 Mariela P. Zhelyazkova
 Adrianna Zickert

Honor Roll: Donors in 2015

 Chair’s Circle ($10,000 and up or lifetime
donations of  $200,000 or more)
 Platinum Circle ($2,500 to $9,999)
 Leslie H. Hicks  Fred K. and Michelle Bowers
 Mark and Ilene Laufman  John D. Gould
 Frederick and Joyce Y. Rosevear  Janet S. Hyde
 David Weiner  Lewis Hertz Foundation
 Andrew A. and Carlene M. Ziegler  Karl Rosengren and Sarah C.  Mangelsdorf
 Peter N. Shapiro
 Gold Circle ($1,000 to $2,499)  Kevin C. Tomfohrde
 John C. Dolan
 Families for Russian & Ukrainian Adoption  WI  Silver Circle ($100 to $999)
 Robert D. Hendricks and C Mary Dingus  Raymond L. and Eve C. Allar
 Stephen K. Reed  Rita E. Anderson
 Sigmund L. and Candy Sattenspiel  Lynn A. Blewett
 Michael J. and Patricia A. Smith  Brian S. Bosonac
 David T. Audley and Ann M. Vertovec  David J. Castro and Amanda M. Durik
 Barry S. and Robin L. Weiner  Robert P. Cieslak
 David C. Williams  Christopher A. and Ellen V. Coury
 Brian J. Feiges and Tamar B. Kelber
 Friends of Psychology ($1 to $99)  Harold H. Goldsmith and Morton A. Gernsbacher
 Lisa M. Anderson  Patrick M. and Kathryn A. Grady
 Martha E. Anderson  Steven J. Haase
 Warren and Connie Bikrem  Randall J. Strossen and Elizabeth M.  Hammond
 Robert G. and Nancy M. Blazek  Robert E. and June E. Holt
 Lara A. Brandt  David A. Hubbard
 Jessica M. Brooks  Craig T. Johnson
 Malcolm R. and Kathie Burdick  Kurt F. Klomberg
 Grace E. Davenport  Dwight A. and Bonnie F. Krehbiel
 Brian and Alicia M. Domack  Charles T. and Bonnie E. Leitzke
 Sarah M. Eckstein  Martin A. Safer and Carolyn Lichtenstein
 Melissa M. Ertl  Monica Little
 Dawn N. Fergen  A. John and Marilee J. McSweeny
 Linda D. Gershman  Cynthia L. Morgan
 Jon T. Hoistad  James R. O’Leary
 Kristin N. Javaras  Richard N. and Mary L. Odders
 Kathleen L. Jones  Paul M. Olk
 Jeff Mollins  Peter A. Ornstein
 Sara Mollins  Adam J. Pollack
 John T. Mullen  James S. Prater and Vicki J. Volbrecht
 Diane F. Peterson  UW-Madison Psi Chi
 Mark and Ann L. Porreca  UW-Madison Psychology Club
 Amanda K. Riek  Robert L. Raisler
 Steven M. Schaffer  Brian C. and Amy M. Randall
 Gary M. and Ruthann Schneider  Timothy G. and Susan T. Reilly
 Louis E. Sigman  Ila S. Rothschild
 Alan M. and Harriet H. Tarnow  Gary L. Scherer
 Daniel B. Vatterott  Christopher G. and Joanna L. Segrin
 David A. Vollrath  Ellen G. Sills
 Thomas S. Wallsten  Elizabeth M. Smith
 Allen W. and Maribeth R. Watson  Mark F. Stasson
 Charles E. Wright  Scot J. and Lynn Streeter
 Matthew A. Lerner and Virginia K. Tierney
 Robert S. Feldman and Katherine E. Vorwerk
 David S. Warner
 Michael J. and Nancy C. Zajano

Honor Roll: Donors in 2014

Friends of Psychology 2014
The Department of Psychology is especially grateful to these donors, who contributed $100 or more in 2014.

Gretchen G. Achenbach
Raymond L. & Eve C. Allar
Carolyn W. Arndt
Baird Foundation

David T. B. Audley
Lynn A. Blewett
Fred K. Bowers
Thomas H. Brandon
David J. Castro & Amanda M. Durik
Cengage Learning
Robert P. Cieslak
Ellen V. Coury
Patricia G. Devine
Robert S. Feldman
Craig F. Ferris
Richard J. Friedman
John D. Gould
Patrick M. & Kathryn A. Grady
Steven J. Haase
Elizabeth M. Hammond & Randall J. Strossen
Leslie H. Hicks, Jr.
Chris Hinrichs
Robert E. & June E. Holt
Janet S. Hyde
IBM Corporation
Peter J. Ivory
Robert L. & Louise B. Jeanne
Kurt F. Klomberg
Dwight A. & Bonnie F. Krehbiel
Leslie A. & Kenneth A. Kudsk
Mark D. & Ilene P. Laufman
Charles T. & Bonnie E. Leitzke
Lewis Hertz Foundation
Monica Little
A. John McSweeny
Cynthia L. Morgan
Peter A. Ornstein
Diane F. Peterson
Carly K. Peterson
Yvonne V. Pola
James S. Prater
Robert L. Raisler
Brian C. & Amy M.P. Randall
Stephen K. Reed
Kristen N. Richgels
Joyce Y. & Frederick Rosevear
Sigmund L. & Candy Sattenspiel
Anne Savage
Benedict Schwarz
Peter N. Shapiro
Louis E. Sigman
Ellen G. Sills
Alissa E. & Ryan A. Silverman
Elizabeth M. Smith
Michael J. & Patricia A. Smith
Charles T. Snowdon
Mark F. Stasson
Scot J. Streeter
Texas Instruments Foundation
Kevin C. Tomfohrde
Ann M. Vertovec & David T.B. Audley
Vicki J. Volbrecht
David A. Vollrath
Walt Disney Company Foundation
Barry S. & Robin L. Weiner
David C. WilliamsHonor Roll 2014
We are grateful to these alumni and friends who have contributed to the Department of Psychology. These gifts are essential to us in achieving our missions.Connie & Warren Bikrem
Nancy M. and Robert G. Blazek
Chelsea M. Blum
Kathryn E. Booze
Nancy & Alan Braun
Candi J. Briski
Malcom R. Burdick
Alicia M. & Brian Domack
Linda D. Gershman
Maria Guerrero
Kathy Hanson
Julie P. Johnson
Kathleen L. Jones
Richard P. Kaplan
Mary K. Krueger
Michael S. Lefco
Margaret E. Madden
Catherine A. McKinley
Eric S. Morgenthaler
Marcie A. Pfeifer-Soderbloom
Rebecca L. Phillip
Ann L. Porreca
June M. Prust
Noelle R. Reyes
Gary L. Scherer
Shari A. Schoohs
Leone E. Stewart
Timothy A. Todaro
Daniel B. Vatterott
Thomas S. Wallsten
Michael J. & Nancy C. Zajano
Leslie A. Zebrowitz

Honor Roll: Donors in 2013

Friends of Psychology 2013
The Department of Psychology is especially grateful to these donors, who contributed $100 or more in 2013.

Daniel J. Acheson
Raymond L. & Eve C. Allar
American Endowment Foundation
David T. B. Audley
Leonard & Norma J. Berkowitz
Robert & Chiyoko Bermant
Lynn A. Blewett
Richard R. & Maris K. Bootzin
Thomas H. Brandon
David J. Castro
Robert P. Cieslak
Douglas E. Conomy
Ellen V. Coury
Katherine A. Cronin
DCR Inc.
Patricia G. Devine
Amanda M. Durik
Rosanne C. Edwards
Maree Elowson
Brian J. Feiges
Robert S. Feldman
Richard J. Friedman
Ian S. Gaylor
JoAnn M. Gensert
Morton A. Gernsbacher
Harold H. Goldsmith
Diane C. Gooding
William J. Gorham
Patrick M. & Kathryn A. Grady
Steven J. Haase
Jack P. & Elizabeth D. Hailman
Estate of Bryan L. Hendricks
Robert D. Hendricks
Leslie H. Hicks Jr
Chris Hinrichs
Robert E. & June E. Holt
David A. Hubbard
Tatyana Humle
Janet S. Hyde
IBM Corporation
Valerie S. Johnson
Jonathan E. Kass
Carolyn R. Kau
Tamar B. Kelber
Kurt F. Klomberg
George D. & Ludene Krem
Mark D. & Ilene P. Laufman
Charles T. & Bonnie E. Leitzke
Victoria M. Lenzlinger
Lewis Hertz Foundation
Carolyn Lichtenstein
Monica Little
MAP Royalty Inc
Nancy A. McClements
Patricia B. McConnell
A. John McSweeny
Yuri Miyamoto
Colleen F. Moore
Cynthia L. Morgan
Liza R. Moscovice
Paula M. Niedenthal
Yvonne V. Pola
Seth D. Pollak
James S. Prater
Robert L. Raisler
Brian C. & Amy M.P. Randall
Stephen K. Reed
Martha Mackay Robbins
Joyce Y. Rosevear
Ila S. Rothschild
Martin A. Safer
Jenny R. Saffran
Sigmund L. & Candy Sattenspiel
Anne Savage
Benedict Schwarz
Peter N. Shapiro
Ellen G. Sills
Ryan A. & Alissa E. Silverman
John V. Simmons
Mariano Sironi
Michael J. & Patricia Ann Smith
Mark F. Stasson
Scot J. & Lynn Streeter
Randall J. Strossen
Texas Instruments Foundation
Kevin C. Tomfohrde
Judith Emmons Topitzes
Nicholas J. Topitzes
Ann M. Vertovec
Vicki J. Volbrecht
Barry & Robin L. Weiner
David L. Weiner
Richard E. Wener
David C. & Harrison Williams & McDonell LLP
James E. & Leslie A. Wolf

Honor Roll 2013
We are grateful to these alumni and friends who have contributed to the Department of Psychology. These gifts are essential to us in achieving our missions.

Edward Kenneth Jr & Carolyn Arndt
Anaelise Beckman
Barbara P. Berkowitz
Deborah I. Blum
Malcolm R. Burdick
Laura K. Cullenw
Dean A. & Karen A. Delwiche
Stacy Rosenbaum Dukunde
Kevin J. & Leslie K. Gannon
Linda D. Gershman
Erica Lynn Goodman
Linda M. Graebner
Aimee V. Hasenfus
Charlette Haugen
Kathleen L. Huckstadt
Richard J. & Julie B. Jeffery
Richard P. Kaplan
Alisa Richetti Kleisner
Michael Shai Lefco
Wen Li
Margaret E. Madden
Allison D. Miller
Eric S. Morgenthaler
Daniel J. Mulligan
Jessica E. Nelson
Michael A. Perelman
Diane F. Peterson
David & Janna L. Peyton
Ann L. Porreca
Kristen N. Richgels
Joann Russell
Allison M. Schenk
Brian Kaplan Schermer
John B. Schooley
Leone E. Stewart
Beth R. Stone
John R. Thurston
TOSA Foundation
Daniel Brown Vatterott
Matthew C. Vohl
David A. Vollrath
Thomas S. Wallsten
Mark D. & Barbara Wendell
Justin Zhuo Jun Wu
Michael J. & Nancy C. Zajano
Leslie A. Zebrowitz

Honor Roll: Donors in 2012

The Department of Psychology is especially grateful to these donors, who contributed $100 or more in 2012.

David J. & Julia Ann S. Ariano
Donald J. Ariano
Sharon A. Bergsma
Lynn A. Blewett
Richard E. Burke
Amanda M. Durik & David J. Castro
Cengage Learning
Robert P. Cieslak
Ellen V. Coury
Donna Czukla
Patricia G. Devine
Lawrence B. & Dolores Dore
Estate of Bryan L. Hendricks
Family of Bryan L. Hendricks
Richard J. Friedman
David F. Gage
Richard E. & Denise M. Galas
Susan L. & Stan C. Garber
William J. Gorham
John D. Gould
Kathryn A. & Patrick M. Grady
Sharon M. Guten
Steven J. Haase
Leslie H. Hicks Jr.
Robert E. Holt
Hubbard Family Trust
Janet S. Hyde
Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies
Jonathan E. Kass
Tamar B. Kelber
Kurt F. Klomberg
Mark D. & Ilene P. Laufman
Charles T. & Bonnie E. Leitzke
Mark R. & Gail M. Levie
Muriel Levie
Lewis Hertz Foundation
Patrick N. & Patricia Maguire
John M. McDonald III
Colleen F. Moore
Cynthia L. Morgan
Keely A. & Kevin Oppermann
Peter A. Ornstein
Asher R. Pacht
Yvonne V. Pola
Vicki J. Volbrecht & James S. Prater
Robert L. Raisler
Brian C. & Amy M. P. Randall
Stephen K. Reed
Robert I. Schwartz Insurance
Joyce Y. Rosevear
Martin A. Safer
Sigmund L. & Candy Sattenspiel
Benedict Schwarz
Christopher G. Segrin
Peter N. Shapiro
Ellen G. Sills
Ryan A. & Alissa E. Silverman
Michael J. & Patricia Ann Smith
Mark F. Stasson
Scot J. Streeter
Randall J. Strossen
Texas Instruments Foundation
Kevin C. Tomfohrde
TOSA Foundation
Andrew J. Weiner
David C. Williams

Honor Roll 2012

We are grateful to these alumni and friends who have contributed to the Department of Psychology. These gifts are essential to us in achieving our missions.

Martha Alibali
Raymond L. Allar
Martha E. Anderson
Carolyn W. Arndt
Laura Elizabeth Ashpole
Kerstin E. Austin
Barbara P. Berkowitz
Kathryn E. Booze
Matthew T. Borowicz & Maureen Brennan
Malcolm R. Burdick
Patti Coffey
Amy M. Costello
Marla L. & Michael C. Craven
Natalie S. Davidson
Stacy B. Ehrlich
Jana Frank
Barbara S. Gomach
Diane Gooding
June Gruber
Gregory P. Heberlein
Glenn P. Hirsch
IBM Corporation
Sheila Kaplan
Brenda S. & Elmer Kettner
Andrea Klein
Ann Elizabeth Kuehl
Steven Arnold Kurzon
Victoria Lenzlinger
James H. & Barbara E. Levie
Margaret E. Madden
Yuri Miyamoto
Eric S. Morgenthaler
Chelsea D. Morrow
William A. Napiecinski
Joseph Newman
Ryan & Rebecca Osberg
Diane F. Peterson
Ann L. Porreca
June M. Prust
Amanda K.Riek
Kristen N. Richgels
Jed S. Rosenkrantz
Seth Pollak & Jenny Saffran
Gary L. Scherer
Brian Kaplan & Deborah K Schermer
Sharon L. Seagren
Kristin Shutts
Douglas M. Siegel
Rand W. Siekert
Anita V. Strautmanis
Dominika Swistun
Richard F. Thompson
Thomas S. Wallsten
Richard E. Wener
Leslie A. Zebrowitz

Honor Roll: Donors in 2011

Honor Roll: Donors in 2011

We are grateful to these alumni and friends who have contributed to the Department of Psychology. These gifts are essential to us in achieving our missions. We apologize if we inadvertently missed someone. If we missed you, please contact Dr. Janet Hyde,jshyde@wisc.edu, (608) 262-9522, so that we can correct the error.

Raymond L. Allar
Martha E. Anderson
Jennifer L. Bendoritis
Barbara P. Berkowitz
Nancy M. Blazek
Michael R. Braun
Candi J. Briski
Tracy Brookhyser
Lindley Meredith Chambers
Amy M. Costello
James E. Cowden
Joseph N. Ferrero
Judith A. Froseth
Linda D. Gershman
Kathryn A. & Patrick M. Grady
Lottie M. Gray
Steven J. Haase
Joseph B Hellige
Marissa V. Johnson
Steven A. Kurzon
Judith A. LaMarche & Robert D. Stainback
Angwei Law
Judy Mayer
Molly R. McGowan
Margo A. Meverden
Eric S. Morgenthaler
Linda C. Nedleman
Jeremy Elton Nevin
Ann L. Porreca
John R. Pratt
Andrea & Rabbi Norman M Klein
Pace M Rhodes
Joy & David Rice
Monica Rice
Amanda K. Riek
Ila S. Rothschild
Robert H. Schappe & Glory A. Swoboda Schappe
Brian Kaplan Schermer
Douglas M. Siegel
Rand W. Siekert
Ellen G. Sills
Steven L. Strazis
Scot J. Streeter
Faye Tarsha
Carly A. Thanhouser
Lisa L. Thrush
Ian V. Todaro
Claire S. Udell
Ronald J. Viola
David A. Vollrath
Thomas S. Wallsten
Janet Cooper Weiss
Alyssa M. Wield
Sarah Birchler Wise
Aaron Wolfgang
Charles E. Wright
Michael J. Zajano
Leslie A. Zebrowitz

Friends of Psychology, 2011

The Department of Psychology is especially grateful to these donors, who contributed $100 or more in 2011.

Tim A. Ahles
Baird Foundation
Lynn A. Blewett
David J. Castro & Amanda M. Durik
Cengage Learning
Robert P. Cieslak
William J. Cody & Barbara D. Strock
Douglas E. Conomy
David J. & Natalie J. Cook
Families for Russian & Ukrainian Adoption WI
Richard J. Friedman
William J. Gorham
John D. Gould
Sharon Guten
John M. Hawkins
Leslie Hicks
Janet S. Hyde
IBM Corporation
Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies
Craig T. Johnson
Jonathan E. Kass
Tamar B. Kelber
Mark D. & Ilene P. Laufman
Mathew T. Ledin
Lewis Hertz Foundation
Ernest S. & Sally Micek
Gary D. Mitchell & Patricia A. Jones
Cynthia L. Morgan
Nelsen Revocable Living Trust
Asher R Pacht
Yvonne V. Pola & Paul T. Pacheco
Robert L. Raisler
Brian & Amy Randall
Stephen K. Reed
Joyce Y. Rosevear
Sigmund L. & Candy Sattenspiel
Leona Shahani
Peter N. Shapiro
Ryan A. & Alissa Erin Silverman
Maruice E. & Linda B. Smith
Michael J. & Patricia Ann Smith
Mark F. Stasson
Randall J. Strossen & Elizabeth M. Hammond
Kevin C Tomfohrde
Diane L. Tukman & Richard I. Kaye
Vicki J. Volbrecht & James S. Prater
David C. Williams
Carolyn J. Zahn-Waxler

Honor Roll: Donors in 2010

We are grateful to these alumni and friends who have contributed to the Department of Psychology. These gifts are essential to us in achieving our missions. We apologize if we inadvertently missed someone. If we missed you, please contact Dr. Janet Hyde,jshyde@wisc.edu, (608) 262-9522, so that we can correct the error.

Carolyn W. & Edward K. Arndt Jr.
Nancy M. Blazek
Margaret E. Browne
Thomas M. Cotey
Robert S. Feldman
Joseph N. Ferrero
Therese M. Freiberg
Peter J. German
Julie C. Gleysteen
Kathryn A. & Patrick M. Grady
Lottie M. Gray
Steven J. Haase
Joseph B. Hellige
Erica A. Holzer
Annie M. Kawalski
Alisa Richetti Kleisner
Steven A. Kurzon
Amy A. Leistikow
Amanda R. Lorenz
Michael R. Marshall
Judy Mayer
Margo A. Meverden
Eric S. Morgenthaler
Linda C. Nedleman
Joyce L. Notarius
Cara L. Patton
Diane F. Peterson
Ann L. Porreca
Maureen Ramesy McGowan
Gordon M. Redding
Ila S. Rothschild
Louis E. Sigman
Mark F. Stasson
Scot J. Streeter
Glory A. Swoboda Schappe & Robert H. Schappe
Kristen M. Vance
David A. Vollrath
Thomas S. & Sharon M Wallsten
Aaron Wolfgang
Michael J. Zajano
Leslie A. Zebrowitz

Friends of Psychology, 2010
The Department of Psychology is especially grateful to these donors, who contributed $100 or more in 2010.

Timothy B. & Linda J. Baker
Lynn A. Blewett
Brian S. Bosonac
Thomas H. Brandon
Mary K. Braun
Cengage Learning
William J. Cody & Barbara D. Strock
John Curtin
Michelle E. Davis
Amanda M. Durik & David J. Castro
Hill H.Goldsmith
William J. Gorham
John D. Gould
Sharon M. Guten
Law Offices of Benedict Schwarz II, The Simonds House
Leslie H. Hicks, Jr.
Janet S. Hyde
Craig T. Johnson
Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies
Tamar B. Kelber
Mark D. & Ilene P. Laufman
Lewis Hertz Foundation
Marketing Support Inc., Dave Weiner
Judith L. Marsden
Martin A. Safer & Carolyn Lichtenstein
Cynthia L. Morgan
Julie H. Murphy
Paul J. Orgren
Asher R. Pacht
Robert L. Raisler
Brian C. & Amy M. P. Randall
Stephen K. Reed
Christopher G. Segrin
Ellen G. Sills
John V. Simmons
Peter N. Shapiro
Maurice E., Jr. & Linda B. Smith
Michael J. Smith
Randall J. Strossen
Vicki J. Volbrecht

Honor Roll: Donors in 2009

We are grateful to these alumni and friends who have contributed to the Department of Psychology. These gifts are essential to us in achieving our missions. We apologize if we inadvertently missed someone. If we missed you, please contact Dr. Janet Hyde,jshyde@wisc.edu, (608) 262-9522, so that we can correct the error.
Tim A. Ahles
Carol J. Allen
Steven R. Asher
Timothy B. & Linda J. Baker
Barbara P. Berkowitz
Nancy M. Blazek
Lynn A. Blewett
Michael H. & Kathy L. K. Blumenfeld
Donna D. Bobco
Ashlee T. Bork
Thomas H. Brandon
Candi J. Briski
Neil S. & Marjorie W. Buckholtz
David J. Castro & Amanda M. Durik
Robert P. Cieslak
Mary Conroy
Carol Cotter
Frances M. Culbertson
Arlene R. Davenport
Leslie Davenport
Michelle E. Davis
David & Betty De Boer
Colby W. Dempsey
Dorothy B. Dempsey
Jan L. Deur
Patricia G. Devine
Emily H. Earley
A. Margaret Elowson
Mari E. Etzel
Robert M. & Patricia K. Fessenden
Therese M. Freiberg
Richard J. Friedman
Linda D. Gershman
Karla Glasser
Barbara S. Gomach
Clifford P. & Elizabeth L. Goodhart
William J. Gorham
John D. Gould
Steven J. Haase
Lewis Hertz Foundation
Leslie H. Hicks, Jr.
Janet S. Hyde
Craig T. Johnson
Nancy B. Julius
Sheila Kaplan
Alisa R. Kleisner
Edward J. Kosinski & Deborah A. Mayer
Jennifer A. Kraft
Jean L. Kristeller
Steven A. Kurzon
Lisa L. Lahey
Perry A. Maloff
Lisa M. Margolies
Judith L. Marsden
Jane K. Martino
Judy B. Mayer
Jerrold S. Meyer & Melinda A. Novak
Mary S. Milaeger
Cynthia L. Morgan
Eric S. Morgenthaler
Linda C. Nedleman
Ashleigh R. Neesam
Edward A. Nelsen
Peter A. Ornstein
Paul T. Pacheco & Yvonne V. Pola
Asher R. Pacht
Diane F. Peterson
Ann L. Porreca
Robert L. Raisler
Brian C. & Amy M. P. Randall
Linda K. Reed
Stephen K. Reed
Amanda K. Riek
Mary E. Rossa
Ila S. Rothschild
Martin A. Safer
Robert H. Schappe
Brian K. & Deborah K. Schermer
David P. Schwartz
Michael D. Seiler
Peter N. Shapiro
Louis E. Sigman
Ellen G. Sills
John V. Simmons
Linda B. Smith
Mark F. Stasson
Leone E. Stewart
Rebecca H. Strauss
Scot J. Streeter
Aaron J. P. Theisen
Lisa L. Thrush
John R. Thurston
Kevin C. Tomfohrde
Kristen M. Vance
Vicki J. Volbrecht
David A. Vollrath
David Weiner
Lee E. C. Weiss
Hannah J. Wendel
Sarah C. Whiting
David C. Williams
Aaron Wolfgang
Michael J. Zajano
Leslie A. Zebrowitz