Ashley Jordan

Credentials: (she/her)

Position title: Assistant Professor


428 Psychology

Research Area(s)

Lab Website
Development of Intergroup Social Cognition Lab


Research Interests

My work looks at the mechanisms that underlie our emerging evaluations of social life with particular emphasis on social categorization and how messages about similarity guide children’s social preferences and inform their inferences about the structure of social groups. I received my Ph.D. in Developmental Psychology from Yale University, where my work assessed social cognition in infancy and early childhood. Afterward I was an NSF postdoctoral fellow at Princeton University.


Representative Publications

Alonso, D.J.1, Jordan, A.E.1, Gülgöz, S. (2024). Children’s attitudes about transgender identity disclosure and concealment. British Journal of Developmental Psychology.

1 indicates co-first authorship


Jordan, A.E., & Wynn, K. (2022). Adults’ pedagogical messages engender children’s preference for self‐resembling others. Developmental Science. 25(3), e13206.


Jordan, A.E., & Dunham, Y. (2021). Are category labels primary? Children use similarities to reason about social groups. Developmental Science. 24(2), e13013