This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.
The Following is a list of introductory resources:
- Data Science in Human Behavior Mini Courses
- Includes: Statistics, Programming, Data Policies, Data Use, & Library Resources
- If you are new to Unix Shell please go through the materials for the first 3 episodes of Unix shell. This is a self-paced study.
- Github lesson materials this is a playlist for Version Control with Git. The lesson includes introduction to Git & Github, how to create a repository, making branches and collaborating with Git. The videos will likely take about 4 hours, you can do that however you see fit, 1-hour for 4 days; one day for 4 hours, or anything in between.
- R resources!
- A helpful introduction for those of you new to R and for folks that like the carpentries style of coding along while learning: Intro to R youtube playlist It says geospatial data, but the R information can be applied to any data.
- Coding MeetUps:
- Sarah Stevens and Christopher Endemann are data science facilitators at the Data Science Hub here on campus and have office hours also known as coding meetups, where folks can drop in, ask questions, code along, etc. Those are held every week Tuesdays & Thursdays from 2:30-4:30p. The Hub facilitators are looking forward to helping you with any questions you might have related to programing, coding, and working with large data.
- For more information:
Data Science & Human Behavior Resource Library
We built an online resource for scientists studying human behavior to understand and apply new methods, concepts, and techniques from machine-learning, AI, and other computational fields. Many online data-science resources target workers in industry, programmers, and other communities with extensive technical expertise. This library curates resources useful to those who study cognition, perception, action, language, neuroscience, social interactions, and other aspects of human behavior. Feel free to peruse, consume and even contribute: Data Science & Behavioral Library
We highly recommend reading this Contribution Guide if you want to publish resources on this site.
Amplify Diverse Voices Resources
One thing we as researchers can do to build a more inclusive research community, is acknowledge work from historically underrepresented groups by including diverse contributions in our citations.
Thank you to Anna Shapiro Shapiro Lab for compiling most of the following resources. Please let us know if you discover more that we can include!
Amplify Diverse Voice in Psychology & Neuroscience
Black Psychology & Neuroscience PIs
SPARK Scholars of Color in the Cognitive Sciences
Anne’s List of Women Neuroscientists
Minority Computational Cognitive Scientists
Network for Women in Neuroscience
Amplify Diverse Voices in STEM
Database of databases on diverse speakers in STEM
Science Communication Resources
Sources for Free Content and Resources for Creating Content (font, color, infographics, sound, images, animations)
DSiHB Students have access to video equipment: 2 cameras, lighting, microphones, tripods.
Additionally, you can checkout all the equipment from any UW-Madison Infolabs: Equipment Check Out
Graduate school data explorer:
Professional Development:
Graduate Student Well-being Resources
Well-being Resources at UW-Madison:
University Health Services: UHS is not only for medical services, but also mental health, violence prevention, survivor services, and environmental and occupational health. It also might be helpful to explore UHS student health insurance.
Student Assistance in the Dean of Students Office is a great resource for guidance and support for all students dealing with personal problems, including reporting an incident, academic complaints, and helping someone you know. We will help with addressing problems, and finding who to contact.
UWell is a collaborative effort on campus that focusses on policy, system and environmental changes that support the well-being of UW-Madison community. Their programs discuss health in many dimensions including financial, physical, emotional, mental, environmental and social.
You@Wisc is a student connection portal with tools, content and resources designed to build resilience and cultivate connections. There are three overarching themes: succeed, thrive, matter. Examples of resources: Resources for discussions on campus climate
Lets Talk no appointment necessary, informal, confidential appointments to talk about anything from financial stress to relationship issues, academic performance to stress and depression.
Grad Resilience offers lunch discussions for all grad students. On topics such as: Navigating Workloads, Personal Thriving (imposter syndrome, work/life balance), Navigating uncertainty, Relationship Fitness, Quick Tools to Relax, etc.
SilverCloud is an online, self-guided, interactive mental health resource that provides students with accessible cognitive behavioral interventions 24 hours a day. SilverCloud does not require a referral from a mental health or medical provider.
Group and Individual Counseling is also available. Please seek the support you need to thrive.
24 Hour Crisis Line:
This service is always available, including weekends, holidays, semester breaks, and all summer. Dial 608-265-5600 (option 9)
National Lifeline:
Call: 1-800-273-TALK (8255) Chat Option
UW-Madison Dean of Students Office (for all grievances regarding students)
Elaine Goetz and Amy Kuether
Ombuds For private, confidential, informal, impartial, independent resource for all employees of UW-Madison
Office for Equity and Diversity For discrimination or harassment issues
Employee Assistance Office For conflicts involving graduate students and other employees
If you feel as though you or another student you know is a victim of harassment, discrimination, assault and/or bullying, or you just have questions, contact the Dean of Students Office (DoSO)
You may also talk to any trusted staff or faculty member on campus if you feel they can help you deal with these issues.
For questions about research ethics, go to Research at UW-Madison or contact the Research Integrity Officer at
Scholarship Info:
External fellowship database:
Financial aid office:
The best resource for off-campus housing, finding roommates, etc.
Other resources:
University apartments:
Sometimes Professors go on sabbatical off-campus and rent their furnished homes while they are gone:
We invite our admitted students even before you decide to enroll to join our AI & Society community of practice Slack Channel with our faculty, current and prospective graduate students and undergraduate students from multiple universities, in both behavioral and computational departments all interested in research projects at the intersection of data science, artificial intelligence, human behavior, human learning and societal impacts. There are links to data science resources, discussions about interesting ongoing projects, and invitations to weekly talks.
Who We Are:
Ways to Engage: