This month’s featured student is sophomore psychology major Mia Braico x’27.
UWPsych: Why did you choose to study Psychology?
Braico: I chose to study psychology because I’m really interested in how people and their minds interact with the world around them. Specifically, I’m really interested in how mental illness impacts adolescent minds and their social interactions.
UWPsych: What is a favorite psychology class you have taken (or a lab/club experience you’ve had) and why?
Braico: I think one of the most interesting psych classes I’ve taken so far is PSYCH 401: Psychology, Law, and Social Policy. I’m also extremely interested in how mental health interacts with law, and this class was perfect for exploring that. I really appreciated how the class was structured, and it was super engaging! I definitely recommend it to anyone who is interested in mental health and law and policy, or just wants to learn about mental health and how it’s related to crime in the U.S.
UWPsych: Has a professor, advisor, TA or classmate made a difference in your psychology education? How so?
Braico: Shoutout to Jessica Cozart, my TA for psych 210, who’s always willing to help us understand the material for the class no matter what! Also, shoutout to my roommates for supporting me and helping me study for my psych exams. They’re always there to listen to me [and] to help memorize the knowledge I needed for exams and projects.
UWPsych: How do you spend your time outside of school? Are you involved in any extracurriculars or jobs?
Braico: I’m currently the Director of Marketing and Outreach for Badger Support Network, a club on campus that organizes peer support groups to empower students to support each others’ identities. I’m also a part of Women in STEM, another club on campus, which focuses on empowering women in STEM fields. In addition to my academic extracurricular activities, I write, record, and produce indie-folk music!
UWPsych: Best advice for students considering a psych major or who have recently declared?
Braico: As an undergraduate, my best advice for students considering a psych major or who have recently declared is to feel free to explore! It’s important to explore your interests in college, and if that means taking a couple of classes that are outside of your major, go for it! The more you explore, the more you’ll figure out about yourself, which is amazing for self-growth.