In challenging times like these, how are students navigating their educational goals and plans? We caught up with a few undergraduates, and here’s what they said:

“This semester I’m relying heavily on organization and office hours! I feel like I get a million emails a day, so staying organized is key; and any face-to-face interaction is helpful (even through a screen). I am also making sure to get outside as often and as safely as possible.” – Corina Robinson, sophomore

“In the midst of the current circumstances, I am using the new flexibility in my class schedule to advance my professional skills through research and work. This makes it easy to focus on school while also gaining outside skills needed to reach my future professional goals.” – Miranda Debot, junior

“Although it is challenging to navigate this new platform of learning, I have really focused on changing my mindset as a student. While it would be preferable to learn in a format that we are more adapted to, I believe that embracing this challenge of learning in a different way can provide long term positive outcomes to us as students. I have found it worthwhile to utilize and work with university resources, professors, and peers in a community effort to navigate these challenges together.” – Julian Bok, junior

“During the pandemic, I’ve been trying to engage in all of my normal activities virtually; I’m taking my classes almost entirely online, working my campus job remotely, and conducting Psychology Club meetings over videoconference. I’m also trying to make the most of the online format by attending discussions and office hours through Zoom. While the transition to virtual formats has been somewhat limiting and a bit overwhelming, having events online makes attendance much easier and more accessible, which I definitely appreciate.” – Lydia Bliss, sophomore

“Amid all the uncertainty, I plan to achieve my goals this semester by staying more organized than ever. Time management is key for me in this new way of life. I am also taking advantage of online networking websites like LinkedIn and Handshake to connect with professionals who I think I can learn from. I might not be able to attend classes or see as many people as I usually am able to, but I am trying to connect with people in a different way, more professionally, in the ways we can nowadays.” – Brandan Risen, junior

“I am starting the semester with many concerns about the safety of myself and my peers, but I am also excited to see how we are growing and innovating. The push to educate with technology has already opened many doors for interaction and exploration and will no doubt endeavor further. Regardless of when we switch to full-time virtual education, I am confident that my professors are prepared to provide the material and resources we need.” – Brett Wagner, senior