Niedenthal and Smith address pandemic’s emotional toll

Paula Niedenthal, professor of psychology, and Karen Smith, post-doctoral scholar, spoke with The Journal Times about how the pandemic affects our mental and emotional health, from missing out on person-to-person interaction to what long-term stress …

Patricia Devine Honored

Patricia Devine is the 2014 recipient of the Thomas M. Ostrom Award from the Person Memory Interest Group. This award recognizes scholars whose career is marked by a record of significant and influential publications, as …

Paula Niedenthal on Wisconsin Public Radio

Wearing a smile on your face can be interpreted differently depending on where you live. Professor Paula Niedenthal visits The Larry Meiller Show to talk about the cultural and social functions of smiles. Listen here.

Pollak named Vaughan Bascom Professor

Seth Pollak has been named as a Vaughan Bascom Professor. The coveted professorship honors the distinguished fifth president of the University of Wisconsin, John Bascom, and provides an annual allocation that supports the recipient’s scholarly …