“This is a time of great stress and uncertainty for our nation and our world,” says Richard Davidson, professor of psychology and psychiatry at the University of Wisconsin–Madison and the founder and director of its Center for Healthy Minds. “To paraphrase that bumper sticker, ‘Stuff happens.’ This is a good reminder that none of us can buffer ourselves from stress. This crisis does not honor national boundaries, religious distinctions or socioeconomic variations.”
Davidson was interviewed by U.S. News and World Report for a March 26, 2020 article on how to cope in this new normal. Read the full article here.

Additionally, Healthy Minds Innovations, the affiliated nonprofit of Center for Healthy Minds, recently launched a well-being app that is now freely available to individuals in light of the COVID-19 crisis thanks to donor support. The app, called the Healthy Minds Program, is a digital well-being tool backed by decades of science at UW helping. It aims to promote mental health, particularly crucial in this time of distress and uncertainty.