Undergraduate Courses
Human Sexuality (Psych 453)
This course explores the diversity of human sexuality along many dimensions, including age, sexual orientation, ethnicity within the United States, and cultures around the world. Child
Psychopathology (Psych 510)
This course introduces the phenomenology and treatments for common mental disorders of childhood. Students also have the opportunity to disentangle controversial issues in the field, including neurodiversity, special education inclusion, the rise of ADHD diagnosis in the United States and around the world.
Social Development (Psych 503)
This course explores how infants and children perceive, think about, and engage with the social world. For example: How do early social relationships influence later ones? What are the origins of prejudice and stereotyping?
Psychology of Women (Psych 522)
This course examines theories and research on the psychology of women. It explores topics such as the biological and cultural bases of the psychology of women; psychological aspects of female sexuality and reproduction; violence against women; female achievement and power; lifestyle choices of women; and women and mental health.
Introduction to Cultural Psychology (Psych 428)
The course covers cultural influences on a wide range of psychological processes, including self-perception, motivation, relationship, cognition and perception, and will also deal with acculturation, within-cultural differences and cultural stability and change.
Introductory Social Psychology (Psych 456)
This course explores the systematic study of the individual in a social context, including social interaction, motivation, attitudes, conformity, communication, leadership, personal relationships, and behavior in small groups.
Graduate Courses
Advanced Social Psychology (Psych 729)
This course is designed to provide a graduate level introduction to the field of social psychology. The course will review key theories and findings, focusing on topics that have long been central to the field and on contemporary extensions of these ideas.
Prejudice Development and Reduction (Psych 711)
This course explores the emergence and development of prejudice across the lifespan. Most weeks will feature a “big question” with supporting readings from the child and adult literatures.
Culture and Cognition (Psych 930)
This course offers an in-depth exploration of research and theory on cultural psychology. This course will examine how culture is central in understanding many aspects of human psychological processes.
Culture and Diversity in Clinical Practice (Psych 808)
This course aims to build multicultural competencies by increasing students’ knowledge of ethnic, race, gender, sexual identity, religious affiliation, and age differences that contribute to each individual course of therapy. Applied examples of this “knowledge in practice” will be presented throughout the course via video examples of expert therapists.