Below is the annual schedule of committee meetings that must be held to stay in good academic standing with the department.
Year 1:
1. Meet with mentor only completing the First Year Fall Meeting form.
2. Review the Mentor-Mentee Compact. The Mentor-Mentee Compact should NOT be signed or turned in.
3. Complete the Mentoring Committee form once your committee has been established.
1. Meet with your Mentoring committee to evaluate your FYP and your progress in the department thus far. Complete the FYP Spring Meeting form at this meeting.
2. Complete the Annual Progress Report with your mentor only.
Year 2:
1. Meet with FYP Committee to evaluate the recently completed First Year Project and discuss any relevant training items (e.g. courses for Year 2 or Year 3; discuss prelim plans, etc.).
2. This meeting can serve as your annual Mentoring Committee meeting.
3. Complete the FYP Defense Meeting Form.
1. If you used your FYP Defense as your Annual Mentoring Committee meeting, fill out the associated form. Otherwise, schedule a stand-alone Mentoring Committee meeting and fill out the form.
2. Have a one-on-one annual progress meeting with your advisor and fill out the associated form.
Subsequent Years:
1. You must meet with your mentoring committee annually to discuss progress and plans for the future. This meeting can be stand-alone or made part of other meetings (e.g., preliminary exam meetings). Once complete, fill out the annual mentoring committee meeting form.
2. Have a one-on-one annual progress meeting with your advisor and fill out the associated form.
Additional Meetings and Forms: Upon completion of the FYP and accumulation of 30 credits, you are eligible to receive your Masters’ degree. A warrant must be ordered from the Grad School by Kevin, signed by your FYP Committee and returned to Kevin.
If at some point, you change the composition of your mentoring committee, please fill out the form so that Kevin + the DGS is aware.