Internal Forms, Documents, and Information

Facilities & Operations

Department Staff

Job Name Tele # * Room
Academic Advising Valerie Johnson 890-4844 438
Stephanie Osborn 262-2077 438
Maria Hartwig 890-3725 438
Kari Maas 890-2924 438
Career Advising Stephanie Scholze 438
Audio/Visual equipment PHP Scheduler
Benefits Cassie Wheeler 262-3739 219
Budget Liz Rose 262-3168 218
Building Information and Issues Gary Malchow 262-1041 238C
Chair business Molly Moen 262-1040 238A
Clinic Sherri Wick 262-5925 351
Communications Mary Anderson 262-0512 223
Copy machines (all questions) Gary Malchow 262-1041 238C
Course change forms and authorizations Melanie Jones 262-8766 426
Deliveries Gary Malchow or Molly Moen 262-1040 238
DoIT number 262-3168 218
Electronic shops John Govin 262-3705 262-6848 B92
Elevator problems Gary Malchow 262-1041 238C
Email dist lists Molly Moen 262-1040 238A
Experiment log book Now Sona systems
Financials – purchasing, awards, etc Luci Trinastic 265-1042 222
Grades Melanie Jones 262-8766 426
Graduate student records Kevin Belt 262-2079 238B
Grants administration Sindhu Chitteni Pattu 265-5504 217
Hilldale accounts Luci Trinastic 262-1041 222
Contracts Liz Rose 262-5504 218
Honorary fellow apts. Molly Moen 262-1040 238A
Human subjects’ cash advance Luci Trinastic 262-1042 222
Keys Gary Malchow 262-1041 238C
Lecturer appts and Coordinator Melanie Jones 262-8766 426
Lost and Found  Gary Malchow 262-1041 238C
Mail & postage Gary Malchow 262-1041 238C
MDS accounts Luci Trinastic 262-1042 222
Parking (Reserved stalls, permits, etc) Gary Malchow 262-1041 238C
Payroll Cassie Wheeler 262-3739 219
Printer problems John Govin 262-6848 B92
Pro cards Luci Trinastic 262-1042 222
Proctors Gary Malchow 262-1041 238C
Purchasing Luci Trinastic 262-3168 222
RA & PA project assistant appointments Cassie Wheeler 262-3739 219
Reimbursement Luci Trinastic 262-1042 222
Repairs (electronics) John Govin 262-3704 262-6848 B92 (Shops)
Room reservations (classroom) Melanie Jones 262-8766 426
Student services receptionist Gary Malchow 262-1041 238C
Supplies Gary Malchow 262-1041 238C
Syllabi Melanie Jones 262-8766 426
Teaching assistants Melanie Jones 262-8766 426
Teaching evaluations Melanie Jones 262-8766 426
Timetable Melanie Jones 262-8766 426
Travel Luci Trinastic 262-1042 222
UPS form to fill & print & bring Gary Malchow 262-1041 238C
Webmaster Craig Rypstat 262-6848 B92

* The area code for all telephone numbers is 608

UW Psychology Email Lists

UW Psychology Committees

BSC – Budgetary Subcommittee
Allyson Bennett (Chair; ex officio)
Kate Walsh (Clinical) 1st year of 2
Trish Devine (Social) 1st year of 2
Shawn Green (CCN) 2nd year
Kristin Shutts (Developmental) 2nd year
Liz Rose (ADM)
 New Personnel Committee (NPC) Graduate Committee
John Curtin (Clinical) 1st year of 2 Craig Berridge (Chair, Fall)
Karen Schloss (CCN) 1st year of 2 Shawn Green (Chair, Spring)
Martha Alibali (Developmental) 2nd year Cathy Marler (BBB)
Allyson Bennett (Chair; ex officio) Karen Schloss (CCN)
Nick Buttrick (Social) 2nd year Kate Walsh (Clinical)
Molly Moen (Staff) Seth Pollak (Developmental)
Trish Devine (Social)
  Kevin Belt (Staff)
Undergraduate Committee
Kristin Shutts (Chair)
Steve Ferrigno
Diane Gooding
Julia Greenberg
Valerie Johnson (Advisor)
Jenny Saffran
Melanie Jones (Staff)
 Alumni Relations Coordinators
Allyson Bennett Introductory Psychology (Extra Credit) – Shawn Green
Craig Berridge Colloquium (Advisor to Grad Students) – James Li
Sara Chadwick Psi Chi (Faculty Advisor) – Seth Pollak
Diane Gooding TA Training – Jeff Henriques, Julia Greenberg, Chelsea Andrews, Melanie Jones
Paula Niedenthal TA Coordinator – Melanie Jones
Mary Anderson (Communications Manager)
Marit Barkve (Director of Development)
Molly Moen (Assistant to the Chair)
Awards  Director of Clinical Training
Morton Gernsbacher (Chair) James Li
Richie Davidson
Carol Ryff Director of Harlow Center for Biological Psychology
Molly Moen (Staff) Allyson Bennett
Area Chairs Faculty Senate – UW
Biological – Steve Ferrigno Joe Austerweil (senator), Tony Auger (alternate)
CNN – Karen Schloss Cathy Marler (senator), Morton Gernsbacher (alternate)
Clinical – Kate Walsh Brad Postle (senator), Diane Gooding (alternate)
Developmental – Seth Pollak
Social – Trish Devine
Diversity & Climate Graduate Student Representatives
Martha Alibali (Chair) Faculty Meeting – Emma Cunningham and Jennifer Murray
Markus Brauer (Fall) Board of Visitors – Ezgi Yuksel
Morgan Jerald Diversity & Climate Committee – See Diversity & Climate Committee List
Jeff Henriques
Patti Coffey Undergraduate Student Representatives 
Mary Anderson Nabila Maow (Diversity & Climate Committee)
Molly Moen (Staff) Rayane Prado Nunes (Diversity & Climate Committee)
Andrea Stein (Grad Student) Ojaswi Pasachhe (Diversity & Climate Committee)
Emma Hammond (Grad Student)
Alyssa Ortega (Grad Student)
Jamie Jiwon Lee (Grad Student)

UW Psychology Email Lists

The following are maintained Wisc Lists of the Department of Psychology – email: with any changes, please use the subject line of “Change to Wisc list” and include in the email the appropriate names and List name. You do not have to be a member to email people in the groups represented. To use an email list, append the suffix For example, if there was a list with for Psychology Experiments with a prefix of psych-experiments, the address of the list serve would be The lists are not given as a complete email address to hep reduce the possibility of spamming.

psych-practicumgradsUW Department of Psychology Practicum Graduate Students/Faculty/Staff

psych-faculty UW Department of Psychology Faculty
psych-exec UW Department of Psychology Executive Committee
psych-emerit UW Department of Psychology Emerit Faculty
psych-lecturers UW Department of Psychology Lecturers
psych-faculty-affiliated UW Department of Psychology Affiliated Faculty
psych-staff UW Department Psychology Staff
psych-postdoc UW Department of Psychology Post docs
psych-ta-fa UW Department of Psychology Teaching & Faculty Assistants
psych-clinicalgrads UW Department of Psychology Clinical Graduate Students
psych-cag UW Department of Psychology Clinical Area Group faculty/staff members
bbb-psych-faculty UW Department of Psychology Biology of Brain and Behavior faculty
psych-grad UW Department of Psychology Graduate Students
psych-club UW Department of Psychology Club
psych-805 UW Department of Psychology 805

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Custodian funds:


Software/App, Cloud/Web Service Purchasing

Travel and Expense Reimbursement

Hosted/Business Meals

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