Researchers find a better way to measure consciousness

Millions of people are administered general anesthesia each year in the United States alone, but it’s not always easy to tell whether they are actually unconscious. A small proportion of those patients regain some awareness …

Schloss Lab Receives NSF grant to understand visual reasoning

Led by Assistant Professor of Psychology Karen Schloss, the Schloss Visual Reasoning Lab investigates how people make conceptual inferences from visual information, and how those inferences influence judgments about the world. Now, armed with a …

Schloss recognized with Departmental Teaching Award

The Department of Psychology is pleased to recognize Associate Professor Karen Schloss with this year’s Departmental Teaching Award. Schloss’s contributions in her courses, Information Visualization (Psych 711/601) and Psychology of Perception (Psych 406), have had …

Schloss shares color communication research on WPR

Visual Reasoning Lab director and associate professor of psychology Karen Schloss spoke with Wisconsin Public Radio about how we interpret different things from different colors and how color helps us communicate.  Tune in here.    …