Pollak named Vaughan Bascom Professor

Picture of Seth Pollak
Seth Pollak

Seth Pollak has been named as a Vaughan Bascom Professor. The coveted professorship honors the distinguished fifth president of the University of Wisconsin, John Bascom, and provides an annual allocation that supports the recipient’s scholarly activities. In the Progressive Era of American history, the state of Wisconsin gained national attention for its innovative economic and political reforms, including the idea, originating from Bascom, that a public university should improve the lives of people beyond the borders of its campus. This named professorship was conferred by the Provost, upon the recommendation of the Psychology Department and the College of Letters and Science.

Says Pollak, “It’s always a validating and awesome moment to be honored with a named professorship. This is especially meaningful to me because former President Bascom was an early champion of women’s rights, opposed separate classes for men and women, defended the rights of workers to join unions, supported a living wage for workers, and believed in controlling monopolies for the public interest. If that wasn’t enough, he also approved inclusion of the ‘new’ science of psychology at UW. It’s an honor to represent his legacy.” 

Congratulations, Professor Pollak!