Healthy competition makes habit of sustainability

Living sustainably to save the planet is serious stuff, but Madison-based non-profit Cool Choices has made a game of it. And it seems to be working. According to University of Wisconsin–Madison researchers, the Cool Choices …

How mindfulness changes the emotional life of our brains

Psychology professor and Center for Healthy Minds founder and director Richard Davidson spoke at TEDx SanFrancisco in October 2019. Watch the video to hear him speak about the four major challenges facing society and how …

How to talk to friends and family about race

There are many ways to be an ally and champion solutions for social change: donating, sharing resources, signing petitions, and fostering conversation with friends, family, and neighbors about racism, police brutality, and the importance of …

Hyde Honored

Janet Hyde has been awarded the Evjue Bascom Professorship.

In Memoriam: Professor Len Berkowitz

Our friend and colleague, Professor Len Berkowitz passed away on January 3rd, 2016. Professor Berkowitz was a faculty member in the Psychology Department from 1955 to 1989, and is considered one of the founding members …