Time Mondays 1-2pm Central Time, unless otherwise noted
Location Room 228 Psychology, unless otherwise noted
Spring 2025 seminar series
January 27, 1pm, Welcome Back / Pizza
February 3, 1pm, Professional Development – Grant Writing
February 10, 1pm, Lauren Riters – UW-Madison IBio, Novel insights provided by songbirds into the neural regulation of social reward and immune function
February 17, 1pm, Ali Mohebi (UW-Madison, Psychology) – Journal Club Style Meeting
February 24, 1pm Margaret Bryer – UW-Madison Anthropology, Primate Nutrition Lab
March 3, 1pm Duncan Cleveland – Saalmann Lab
March 10, 1pm, Rob Hampton, Emory University – Metacognition and Mental Representation in Monkeys (This talk will be held in Brogden 121)
March 17, 1pm, Jiangang Shan – Postle Lab
March 24, NO MEETING, Spring Break
March 31, 1pm Candice Malone – Marler Lab
April 7, 1pm, Alessandra Silva – Cognitive Origins Lab
April 14, 1pm, Mohammadali Kheirkhah Ravandi – Saalmann Lab
April 21, 1pm, Emma Hammond – Marler Lab
Fall 2024 seminar series
September 9, 1pm, Welcome / Introductions
September 16, 1pm, Virtual, Aqilah McCane, (Division of Neuroscience, Oregon NPRC) – “Adolescent alcohol exposure causes persistent changes in orbitofrontal-striatal circuitry during response inhibition.” (virtual)
September 23, 1pm, Stephen Ferrigno (UW-Madison, Psychology) – Evolutionary Origins of Logical Rules
September 30, 1pm, Jiangang Shan (Postle Lab) – SFN practice talk, Neural evidence for decision-making underlying attractive serial dependence & Spencer Cooke (Berridge Lab) – SFN/NTP Symposium practice talk, Neurochemical and circuit heterogeneity of cognition-modulating prefrontal corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) neurons
October 7, No Meeting (SFN)
October 14, 1pm Professional Development – Brad Postle & Stephen Ferrigno – Approaches to the review process
October 21, 1pm, First Year Project Talks, Kelci Cox (Marler Lab) & Raghuram Holenarasipura Venkatasubbaiah (Saalmann lab)
October 28, 1pm, Andre M.M. Sousa (UW-Madison, Neuroscience) – “Multimodal analysis of prefrontal cortical development and evolution.”
November 4, 1pm, David Ehrlich (UW-Madison, Integrative Biology) – “Feedback pathways instruct formation of a supervised learning circuit”
November 11, 1pm Doug Dean III (UW-Madison – Pediatrics, Medical Physics)
November 18, 1pm, WNPRC (Virtual Only, link will be sent out the week before)
November 25, 1pm, Ali Mohebi (UW-Madison, Psychology) – “Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Dopamine: Insights into Learning, Motivation, and Beyond”
December 2, 1pm No Meeting
December 9, 1pm BBB Faculty Meeting
Spring 2024 seminar series
January 22, 11am Dr. Vivian Paulun (MIT) “Seeing the Physical World”
January 29, 11am Dr. Rosa Lafer-Sousa (NIMH) “Causal Role of Ventral Stream Neural Circuitry in Visual Perception”
February 5, 11am Prof. Zhong-Lin Lu (NYU Shanghai) “Visual Perceptual Learning: Insights from New Data Analytics and Computational Modeling”
February 13, 11.30am, Large conference room, WNPRC (instead of 2/12; virtual option) Prof. Joshua Gold (University of Pennsylvania) “Adaptive Decision-Making as a Window on Cognition”
February 16, 12mid, Large conference room, WNPRC (instead of 2/19; virtual option) Dr. Jeanette Metzger (Emborg Lab, UW-Madison) “Efficient in vivo neuronal genome editing in the mouse brain using nanocapsules containing CRISPR-Cas9 ribonucleoproteins”
February 26, 1pm Prof. Stefan van der Stigchel (Utrecht University) “An embodied account of visual working memory”
March 15, 12mid, Large conference room, WNPRC (instead of 3/11; virtual option) Prof. Jeff Schall (York University) “Neural Mechanisms of Speed-Accuracy Tradeoff”
March 18, 1pm, virtual Prof. Raunak Sinha (Neuroscience, UW-Madison) “Unique features of photoreceptor adaptation in the primate fovea”; and Prof. Ari Rosenberg (Neuroscience, UW-Madison) “Hierarchical motion computations across macaque visual cortex”
April 3, 4pm, Orchard View Room (3rd floor), Discovery Center (instead of 4/1; virtual option) Prof. Cheryl Sisk (Michigan State University) “Back to the Future: The Organizational-Activational Hypothesis Adapted to Puberty and Adolescence”
April 8, 1pm Candice Malone (Marler Lab, UW-Madison) “Division of Labor in California mice: Predictors of Efficiency and the Impact of Oxytocin Manipulation”
April 15, 1pm, virtual Prof. Karen Bales (California National Primate Research Center, CNPRC) “The neurobiology of social buffering in coppery titi monkeys”; and Joey Charbonneau (CNPRC) “Evolutionarily conserved neural responses to affective touch in monkeys transcend consciousness and change with age”
April 17, 12mid, Berkowitz room, 338 Psychology Joint CCN-BBB meeting: Dr. Babak Hemmatian (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign) “The Utilitarian Brain: Going Beyond the Free Energy Principle”
April 22, 1pm BBB faculty meeting
April 29, 1pm Emma Hammond (Marler Lab, UW-Madison) “Oxytocin and Social Context Interactions in Wound Healing and Sickness Behavior”
May 13, 1pm Dr. Stacey Schaefer (MIDUS Neuroscience Project, UW-Madison) “Identifying how emotional processes, risk, and resilience factors interact to impact wellbeing, brain health, and aging”
Fall 2023 seminar series
September 11 Prof. Yuri Saalmann (Psychology, UW-Madison) “Rethinking the neural mechanisms of abstraction”
September 15, 12mid, Large conference room, WNPRC (instead of 9/18) NeuroBlitz featuring Emily Greinwald (Levine Lab) “Evaluating the role of neuro-estrogens in facilitating female sexual behavior in the rhesus macaque”; Bikalpa Ghimire (Huang Lab) “Investigating perceptual organization of motion integration and segmentation”; and Ray Doudlah (Rosenberg Lab) “Hierarchical transformation of 3D object representations across macaque V3A and CIP”
September 27, 12mid, Berkowitz room, 338 Psychology (instead of 9/25) Joint CCN-BBB meeting: “The molecular memory code and synaptic plasticity“
October 2 Prof. Vanessa Leone (Department of Animal and Dairy Sciences, UW-Madison) “Implications for gut microbes in behavioral and thermoregulatory outputs of circadian networks”
October 9 No meeting
October 16, Virtual Dr. Arjen Boender (Emory University) “Natural variation in oxytocin receptor signaling causes widespread changes in neural transcription: a link to the natural killer gene complex”; and Prof. Jessica Raper (Emory University) “Neurobehavioral consequences of Viral Infections in Nonhuman Primates”
October 19, 4pm, Berkowitz room, 338 Psychology (instead of 10/9) Prof. Charan Ranganath (UC Davis) “Memory, the Universe, and Everything”
October 20, 12mid, Large conference room, WNPRC NeuroBlitz II featuring Zikang (John) Zhu (Rosenberg Lab) “Distinct effects of electrical microstimulation in macaque areas MT and FST on 3D motion perception”; Ying Cao (Huang Lab) “MT neuron representation of spatially separated two speeds”; and Lauren Kresser (Rosenberg Lab) “Saccade-related activity and sensorimotor associations at the macaque parieto-occipital junction”
October 23 Society for Neuroscience presentations featuring Quan Wan (Postle Lab, Psychology, UW-Madison) “Representing context and priority in working memory”; and Jiangang Shan (Postle Lab) “EEG correlates of active removal from working memory”
October 30 Mohammad Ali Kheirkhah Ravandi (Saalmann Lab, Psychology, UW-Madison) “Incorporating prior knowledge under sensory uncertainty”
November 6, Room 121 Psychology Prof. Jerry Chao (University Hospital, Albert Einstein College of Medicine) “How the noninvasive electroencephalogram (EEG) can serve pediatric anesthesiologists, patients, and researchers – and beyond!”
November 13 No meeting (Society for Neuroscience conference)
November 20, Virtual Prof. Greg Horwitz (University of Washington) “Mechanisms of contrast detection in the macaque visual system”
November 27 Prof. Rodrigo España (Drexel University) “Sleep disruptions promote cocaine seeking and dopamine terminal adaptations”
December 4 Prof. Matt Banks (Anesthesiology, UW-Madison) “Cortical network reorganization underlying changes in consciousness: Insights from comparing sleep and general anesthesia”
Spring 2023 seminar series
January 26, 4pm, 113 Psychology Dr. Dheeraj Roy (Broad Institute, MIT/Harvard) “Thalamic function in health and disease”
January 30, 11am, 113 Psychology Dr. Danique Jeurissen (Columbia University) “The neural basis of cognitive flexibility in primates”
February 2, 4pm, 113 Psychology Dr. David Barack (University of Pennsylvania) “The Quest for Information: Foraging as a Scaffold for Learning and Reasoning”
February 13, 11am, 113 Psychology Prof. Kimberly D’Anna Hernandez (Marquette University) re: Role of stress-related hormones on maternal behavior
February 17, 12 midday, 113 Psychology Dr. Ali Mohebi (UCSF) “Dopamine: A tale of two functions (and beyond)”
February 22, 12 midday, 113 Psychology Prof. Kathryn Howell (University of Memphis) “Promoting Resilience across the Family System”
February 27, 3.45pm, 113 Psychology Dr. Alexander Daros (University of Toronto) “Emotion dysregulation: A transdiagnostic risk factor and treatment target across mental disorders”
March 6 Sounak Mohanta (Saalmann Lab, Psychology, UW-Madison) “Neural mechanisms of predictive perception”
March 13 Spring break
March 20 Spencer Cooke (Berridge Lab, Psychology, UW-Madison) “Effects of stress on cognition and underlying circuits”
March 27 No meeting
April 3 Candice Malone (Marler Lab, Psychology, UW-Madison) “Neural changes across major social transitions”
April 10 Jiangang Shan (Postle Lab, Psychology, UW-Madison) “Neural mechanisms of working memory”
April 17 Prof. Andre Sousa (Neuroscience, UW-Madison) “Multimodal analysis of primate prefrontal cortical development and evolution”, and Prof. Yuri Saalmann (Psychology, UW-Madison) “Controlling cortico-subcortical circuits and consciousness”
April 24 Quan Wan (Postle Lab, Psychology, UW-Madison) “Neural bases of prioritization in visual working memory (in vivo and in silico)”
May 1 Patrick Monari (Marler Lab, Psychology, UW-Madison) re: Oxytocin, social approach, adult neurogenesis
Anthony Auger Our research is directed at how steroid receptors and the social environment interact to influence brain development and subsequently behavior in a normal or abnormal manner.
Allyson Bennett My research centers on how the interplay between early environments, experiences, and genes contribute to individual variation in psychological and physical health across the lifespan.
Craig Berridge My research focuses on the actions of neurotransmitters, particularly catecholamines and select neuropeptides, in the regulation of behavioral state and state-dependent cognitive processes (working memory, attention).
Chris Coe (Professor Emeritus) My research is concerned with mind/body relationships and nature/nurture issues that affect health and vulnerability to illness.
Richard Davidson Research in my laboratories is focused on cortical and subcortical substrates of emotion and affective disorders, including depression and anxiety.
Stephen Ferrigno Our research investigates the evolutionary, developmental, and cultural origins of concepts and cognition.
Rick Jenison (Professor Emeritus) Computational neuroscience; value-based decision-making; functional and effective connectivity in the human brain; point-process modeling of neural ensembles; computational models of the basal ganglia and amygdala.
James Li My research examines the interplay between genes and environments that contribute to the development of child externalizing problems.
Cathy Marler My research centers around bi-directional interactions between endocrinology, animal behavior and the social environment.
Ali Mohebi We investigate cognitive control in rodents, using state-of-the-art techniques to explore how neuromodulators like dopamine and serotonin affect motivation, learning, memory, and decision-making.
Seth Pollak Developmental risk (child poverty, child maltreatment); mechanisms of developmental change; experience-dependent learning; stress regulation; children’s health; development and evolution of emotion; developmental psychopathology
Brad Postle short-term memory/working memory; attention; consciousness; fMRI; TMS; EEG
Tim Rogers I am interested in understanding human semantic memory; that is, our knowledge about the meanings of words, objects, and events.
Yuri Saalmann Cognitive control, consciousness, memory, neural dynamics, neural coding.