Rick Jenison
Position title: Professor Emeritus
Email: rjenison@wisc.edu
Phone: (608) 265-5936
3505 Wisconsin Institutes for Medical Research II
1111 Highland Ave
Madison, WI 53705

Research Area(s)
Biology of Brain and Behavior
Cognition and Cognitive Neuroscience
Lab Website
Lab link
Research Interests
Computational neuroscience; value-based decision-making; functional and effective connectivity in the human brain; point-process modeling of neural ensembles; computational models of the basal ganglia and amygdala.
Representative Publications
Kocsis, Z., Jenison, R.L., Taylor, P.N, Calmus, R.M, McMurray, B., Rhone, A.E., Sarrett, M.E., Deifelt Streese, C., Kikuchi, Y., Gander, P.E., Berger, J.I., Kovach, C.K., Choi, I., Greenlee, J.D., Kawasaki, H., Cope, T.E., Griffiths, T.D., Howard III, M.A., Petkov, C.I. (2023) Immediate neural impact and incomplete compensation after semantic hub disconnection. Nature Communications, 14, Article number: 6264
Berridge C.W., Devilbiss D.M., Martin A.J., Spencer R.C., Jenison R.L. (2023) Stress degrades working memory-related frontostriatal circuit function. Cerebral Cortex, 1-13.
Rocchi, F., Oya, H., Balezeau, F., Billig, A.J., Kocsis,Z., Jenison, R.L., Nourski,K.V., Kovach, C.K., Steinschneider, M., Kikuchi,Y., Rhone, A.E., Dlouhy, B.J., Kawasaki, H., Adolphs, R., Greenlee, J.D.W., Griffiths, T.D., Howard III, M.A., and Petkov, C.I. (2021) Common fronto-temporal effective connectivity in humans and monkeys, Neuron, 109, 1-17.
Rajala, A.Z., Populin, L.C. and Jenison, R.L. (2020) Methylphenidate affects task-switching and neural signaling in non-human primates, Psychopharmacology, 237, 1533-1543.
Birn R.M., Converse A.K., Rajala A.Z., Alexander A.L., Bloek W.F., McMillan A.B, Christian B.T., Filla C.N, Murali D., Hurley S.A., Jenison R.L., and Populin, L.C. (2019) Changes in Endogenous Dopamine Induced by Methylphenidate Predict Functional Connectivity in Nonhuman Primates , Journal of Neuroscience 39:8 1436-1444.
Rajala A.Z., Jenison R.L., and Populin L.C. (2018) Neural correlate of auditory spatial attention allocation in the superior colliculus, Journal of Neurophysiology 119: 1450-1460.
Jenison R.L., Reale R.A., Armstrong A.L., Oya H., Kawasaki H. and Howard III M.A. (2015) Sparse Spectro-temporal Receptive Fields based on Multi-unit and High-gamma response in Human Auditory Cortex, PLoS ONE, 10(9)
Rajala, A.Z., Jenison, R.L., and Populin, L.C. (2015) Decision making: effects of methylphenidate on temporal discounting in nonhuman primates. Journal of Neurophysiology, 114, 70-79
Jenison, R.L. (2014) Directional Influence between the Human Amygdala and Orbitofrontal Cortex at the Time of Decision-Making. PLoS ONE 9(10)
Kovach C.K., Sutterer M.J., Rushia S.N., Teriakidis A. and Jenison R.L. (2014) Two systems drive attention to rewards Frontiers in Decision Neuroscience, 5:46
Nourski K.V., Brugge J.F., Reale R.A., Kovach C.K., Oya H, Kawasaki H, Jenison R.L., and Howard M.A. (2013) Coding of repetitive transients by auditory cortex on posterolateral superior temporal gyrus in humans: An intracranial electrophysiology study Journal of Neurophysiology, 109, 1283-1295
Devilbiss D.M., Jenison RL, Berridge C.W. (2012) Stress-Induced Impairment of a Working Memory Task: Role of Spiking Rate and Spiking History Predicted Discharge. PLoS Comput Biol, 8:9
Jenison, R. L., Rangel, A., Oya, H., Kawasaki, H, Howard, M.A. (2011) Value encoding in single neurons in the human amygdala during decision-making, Journal of Neuroscience, 31, 331-338
Alexander J.M., Jenison R.L., Kluender K.R. (2011) Real-Time Contrast Enhancement to Improve Speech Recognition. PLoS ONE, 6:9
Jenison, R. L. and Reale, R. A. (2004) The shape of neural dependence, Neural Computation, 16, 665-672