Alumni Profile: Shrein Helen Bahrami ’04

Alumni Profile: Shrein Helen Bahrami ’04
Degree(s): BA Psychology and Criminal Justice, UW–Madison
Current Occupation: Marriage and Family Therapist, Owner of Evolve Wellness Group

What are some of the benefits of your psychology degree?
I was able to receive training in the field as an intern, earn my masters in psychology, become a licensed therapist and write two books. I feel I am getting to do the work I was called to do and have excellent work/life balance.

How did you find your way to your current profession?
Prior to graduating, I met with my UW advisor and received guidance around internship opportunities. I accepted a one year internship in San Francisco supporting clinicians in a HIV/AIDS Mental Health non-profit clinic. Afterwards, I stayed in SF and began a research associate position in while applying for my masters. I began my 2 year MA program at the University of San Francisco, graduated and continued interning until I earned my 3k hours for licensure. My last position as an intern was as program director at an eating disorder day treatment program. I continued with this specialty as I began my private practice and then started my group practice made up of therapists, dietitians and coaches.

What advice would you give to students graduating with a psychology degree?
Trust that this is a valuable degree that can keep a lot of doors open for you whether you work in the field right away or later in life. Try to slow down and enjoy the student & internship years. Exposure to the varied perspectives and approaches is your opportunity to find what resonates with you, learn more about this dynamic field and grow as a person.

If interested, please list an identity or group membership of which you are particularly proud: 
First-generation college student

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