Alumni Profile: Angelina Bartel ’16

Alumni Profile: Angelina Bartel ’16
Degree(s): BS Psychology and Biology, UW–Madison; MS Clinical Mental Health Counseling, Walden University
Current Occupation: Residential Therapist, Rawhide Youth Services

What are some of the benefits of your psychology degree?
Opened so many doors for future degrees (both masters and doctorate programs).

How did you find your way to your current profession?
Worked as a Psychiatric Care Technician (PCT) at Mendota Mental Health Institute following my BS degree to help me decide what I wanted to do next. I found myself particularly interested in the clinical piece of psychology but wasn’t ready to commit to a doctorate program. I decided on a master’s program as a stepping stone, and ultimately chose mental health counseling at Walden University due to it being fully online, and having “specialty options” (I emphasized in military families and culture).

What advice would you give to students graduating with a psychology degree?
Research ALL of your options with this degree (business options, as well), if you aren’t sure of your next steps, find a place to work that you THINK you’d enjoy– you will gain clarity from that experience 🙂