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February 2018
Brown Bag – Biology of Brain and Behavior
Auger Lab (Psychology) Title: TBD
Find out more »Social/Personality Brown Bag
Presenter: Liad Weiss, Ph.D., Marketing, Wisconsin School of Business, University of Wisconsin - Madison Title: Egocentric Categorization: Self as a Reference Category in Product Judgment & Consumer Choice
Find out more »Brown Bag – Cognitive and Cognitive Neuroscience
Presenters: Clint Jensen, graduate student, Department of Psychology, UW - Madison (30 min) / Martin Zetterstein and Mark Koranda, graduate students, Department of Psychology, UW - Madison (30 min)
Find out more »Brown Bag – Biology of Brain and Behavior
Marc Wolman (Integrative Biology) Title: “How does the brain interpret sensory information? Fishing for answers with behavioral genetics”. Note room change: meeting in Room 228 Psychology.
Find out more »March 2018
Brown Bag – Cognitive and Cognitive Neuroscience
Presenter: Elise Hopman, graduate student, Department of Psychology, UW - Madison (30 min) and Anna Bartel, graduate student, Department of Psychology, UW - Madison (30 min).
Find out more »Waisman Seminar – Dr. Laura Schulz (MIT)
Speaker: Laura Schulz (MIT) Title: What really matters: Children’s inferences about learning, trying, and caring Abstract: I have long been interested in children’s ability to make rich, inductive inferences from sparse, noisy data. Here I look…
Find out more »Brown Bag – Biology of Brain and Behavior
Karen Schloss (WID/Psychology) Title: "Color inference and visual communication"
Find out more »Brown Bag – Biology of Brain and Behavior
Matt Banks (Anesthesiology) Title: TBD
Find out more »Sexual Harassment Bystander Intervention Training
This training will be provided by Dr. Erika Marin-Spiotta from the Department of Geography and her team. More details to follow.
Find out more »Brown Bag – Biology of Brain and Behavior
Saalmann Lab (Psychology) Title: TBD
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