Plans for the 2020 Psychology Research Experience Program (PREP) began like any other year, with PREP staff identifying participating labs, reviewing applications, admitting students, and pairing mentees with mentors. When the global pandemic turned everything …
Psychology Research Experience Program gets students into the lab and builds undergraduate confidence
When you think of summer in Madison, you may picture leisurely afternoons with Babcock ice cream on the Terrace or a long run out to Picnic Point. But for a few undergraduates from across the …
Psychology students in Class of 2023 prepare to enter various career fields
As seniors in the Department of Psychology finish their final semester, their undergraduate experiences and post-graduation plans represent a variety of career interests. Here, we highlight three of our outstanding students. Alex Beckerman X’23 …
Psychology Students Prepare for Next Steps with SuccessWorks
“I want to major in psychology, but I’m not sure what to do with it.” It’s a refrain Maureen Muldoon hears often. As a career and internship specialist at SuccessWorks, UW–Madison’s center for personal and …
Psychopathy linked to fear-specific reductions in brain activity when taking another’s perspective
Psychopathic individuals exhibit reduced brain activity when taking the perspective of another person who is experiencing fear, according to new research published in NeuroImage. The findings shed light on the underlying neurobiological mechanisms linked to psychopathy. …
Reading Political Maps and Selecting Ripe Bananas: How Color Influences our Judgments
From reading political maps to selecting the ripest banana, color influences how we make judgments about our world. Assistant Professor and color cognition expert Karen Schloss knows something about that. As the director of the …
Remembering Chuck Snowdon, renowned primatologist and professor emerit of psychology
Charles T. Snowdon, Hilldale Professor Emeritus of Psychology at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, died Jan. 8 at UW Hospital in Madison at age 81. A phenomenal scientist, dedicated teacher and leader in comparative psychology and …
Researchers find a better way to measure consciousness
Millions of people are administered general anesthesia each year in the United States alone, but it’s not always easy to tell whether they are actually unconscious. A small proportion of those patients regain some awareness …
Researchers wake monkeys by stimulating ‘engine’ of consciousness in brain
A small amount of electricity delivered at a specific frequency to a particular point in the brain will snap a monkey out of even deep anesthesia, pointing to a circuit of brain activity key to …
Resilience doesn’t equate to positive outcomes for individuals who have experienced early childhood maltreatment
Early childhood maltreatment can have long lasting effects that follow a person into adulthood. Although the majority of kids who experience maltreatment do not go on to develop depression, a study by James Li, PhD, associate …