Alumni Profile: Carlye King ’11

Alumni Profile: Carlye King ’11
Degree(s): BA Psychology, UW–Madison 
Current Occupation: Account Manager, Xandr

What are some of the benefits of your psychology degree?
Having a psychology degree has taught me to look at things from both the top-down and bottom-up. In the same way that there are multiple underlying symptoms to any disorder, there can be multiple contributing factors to any technical challenge, so it’s definitely made me more analytical and thorough when it comes to problem solving. Having an analytical mindset helps me in all facets of my job from building relationships to collaborating effectively and problem solving.

How did you find your way to your current profession?
I went the business route after college. My first job was data collection and analysis for an environmental firm in Madison. I then moved to a technical consulting role at Nielsen in Chicago/London where I worked as a solutions consultant on SAS integrations. For the past two years I have been a solutions consultant at Xandr, which is the ad tech wing of Warner Media/AT&T, on the Northern Europe DSP team. I just recently moved to an Account Manager role in the same company as I decided I wanted to move to a more sales focused role instead of working behind the scenes on the tech.

What advice would you give to students graduating with a psychology degree?
I feel like there is a stigma (or there used to be) that a psychology degree is what you get if you don’t know what else to major in. I think having this degree set me up for success in a way I didn’t realize until many years after graduating. It’s such a well rounded degree that gives you the foundational skills to move in so many directions. Focus on those hard skills (e.g., analytic, presentation, problem solving, creative thinking etc.) you have built when applying for jobs after college. It’s also ok to have no idea what you want to do, once you start somewhere you will learn what you like and dislike. Most importantly, be your own biggest advocate in your career and know your worth.