Alumni Profile: Amy Krymkowski ’90

Alumni Profile: Amy Krymkowski ’90
Degree(s): BA Psychology with Certificate in Women’s Studies, UW–Madison; Master’s in HR and Labor Relations, UW–Milwaukee
Current Occupation: Owner and Executive Coach, Self-employed, Better Path Coaching

What are some of the benefits of your psychology degree?
As a professional and certified coach, I’m constantly living in the question – What does it mean to be human? As such, having the educational background and training in Psychology offered different development models on human growth and development which I find useful today.

How did you find your way to your current profession?
I found my way to my current profession through various trials and career experiments. Starting in Social Services, I felt limited in making a significant impact. Transitioning to an insurance company introduced me to the corporate world and led me to discover Human Resources. However, it was meeting a professional coach that truly resonated with me. His whole-hearted approach to guiding others inspired me to pursue work centered on deep listening and facilitating human transformation, ultimately leading me to find alignment in the field of coaching.

What advice would you give to students graduating with a psychology degree?
Two ideas: I) Explore Diverse Experiences: Take advantage of internships, volunteer opportunities, or entry-level roles to gain exposure to different areas within psychology. This could include clinical work, organizational psychology, research, or counseling, allowing you to discover where your interests and strengths lie. II) Follow Your Passion for Human Transformation: Consider career paths that align with your passion for deeper listening and facilitating human transformation. This could lead you towards roles in coaching, counseling, therapy, or even organizational development, where you can apply your skills to help individuals and teams achieve personal and professional growth.

If interested, please list an identity or group membership of which you are particularly proud: 
Member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.

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