Trying to interact with other humans without being able to smile is the facial equivalent of communicating via text message; it’s easy to be misunderstood. Your expression and words lack context. People wonder: Are you …
What’s in a name? Power of labels in disability identity, societal perception
After obtaining a law degree from UW-Madison, Nicki Vander Meulen attempted to find work as a lawyer, but received rejection after rejection. “The minute any law firm found out I was disabled or autistic no …
When Personal Experience Meets Psychology: Mark Koranda
While lectures and classroom discussions certainly affect our understanding of a given topic, applying classroom insights to life experience takes that knowledge to another level. Such is the case for two of our own – …
When Personal Experience Meets Psychology: Samantha Michaels
While lectures and classroom discussions certainly affect our understanding of a given topic, applying classroom insights to life experience takes that knowledge to another level. Such is the case for two of our own – …
William Epstein, professor emeritus, dies at 88
William Epstein, 88, professor emeritus in the Department of Psychology, died peacefully at home on December 17, 2019. Bill’s long and distinguished academic career began at the University of Kansas in 1959, continued at the …
Wisconsin State Journal: DOJ grant secured by Kate Walsh will expand post-assault medical and advocacy services on campus
UW-Madison students who experienced a sexual assault had one place to go in Dane County for a forensic exam, or what’s traditionally known as a rape kit: the emergency room at UnityPoint Health-Meriter Hospital. Starting …
Wolff Fellow and Psychology Major Crafts Year of Travel to Explore African Influence Worldwide
Max Koenig, from Baraboo, will follow his May 2024 graduation with a year-long exploration of the influence of African culture, history and music in communities that were impacted by slavery. His travels will take him …
You Are Not Alone
Self-isolation is a proven strategy to limit the coronavirus. But for people who suffer from loneliness, it can create unexpected problems. There are two varieties of isolation. There’s physical isolation, a situation in which you’re …
Yuri Saalmann Receives Award
Yuri Saalmann will receive the Brain and Behavior Research Foundation’s Young Investigator Award for his work exploring the relationship between cognitive control and schizophrenia. For more info:
Yuri Saalmann receives grant to investigate the neural basis of consciousness
Psychology professor Yuri Saalmann and colleagues at UW-Madison, University of Pennsylvania, Allen Institute for Brain Science, INSERM and Sorbonne University, have been awarded $3.5 million from the Templeton World Charity Foundation to investigate the neural basis …